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Infant 8 month nose flowing and blocked also

Dear Sir ,

I have moved to uae abu dhabi last 5 months now from then till now my 8 month old is having problem... he is having cold have given him Arnica 200
then natrum 200 antimonium tart 200 till now nothing seems to work cause of repetetive cold i was prescribed kali bich 30 he felt better but soon back once we went out shopping in the mall

can you please help me what i can do he is unable to sleep sometimes at night caus his nose is blocked when i use a aspirater lots of green fluid comes we checked with the doctor his chest is clear...can you help understand why this is happening? we have shut our AC off now.

[message edited by SHARON22083 on Sun, 29 Jan 2017 07:13:28 UTC]
  SHARON22083 on 2017-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please reply
SHARON22083 8 years ago
someone please reply on this ,,, kind request.
SHARON22083 8 years ago

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