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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Face Warts - Dulcama, Causticum, or Thuja? 25 year old female

Hi everyone!

I’ve been browsing this forum and website for a while (the Remedy Finder tool is seriously awesome!), but since I read that I should make my decision based on more information, I’ve decided to post to ask for help.

I'm a 25 year old female. The symptom I’ve been working so hard to make vanish is face warts… I started having them four years ago (in winter). The first one showed up on my right cheek and is still one of the most noticeable warts on my face. Then they spread to my forehead and left cheek; the right side is still worse. I was told by different doctors that it’s because my immune system is not strong, some told me to exercise more & drink more water (oh those generic stuff), and as for now, I’m drinking more than 8 cups water per day, and have completed a half-marathon but my immune system is still low. I discovered a month ago that my Vitamin D level is 8 (standard range is 25-80), and am currently on Vitamin D medication.

Some observations regarding my warts and my overall health:
1. They look the least pronounced at night and quite noticeable in the morning.
2. I feel cold all the time. My feet and hands are cold even when it’s summer.
3. I feel thirsty all the time even though my diet is not salty. I almost have to constantly drink water.
4. I’m outgoing, emotional (cry a lot – I’m not really sad, it’s just I am very easily touched), reactive if not intentionally trying not to.
5. I generally sleep really well, but I haven’t been lately due to things in my life that bring me stress and started to have dreams where I’m doing those things that I think about during the day.
6. Fear is one of my biggest enemy. I tend to worry a lot. Like if my husband doesn’t respond my text in a while, I’d be worried if something happened to him.
7. My in-laws are very big on homeopathy. My first exposure to homeopathy was one Thanksgiving when I was at my in-laws’ and had a fever and was feeling nauseous, which was fixed by homeopathy.
8. I started retin-a a month ago, a couple of them faded away, but it seems to stop working. I started Boiron Thuja Occidenalis 200ck two days ago and haven’t seen any difference. Actually they’ve been worse after I started treating them. I’m not sure which one caused it and if this is normal.

Per Remedy Finder tool, the remedies that suit me the most are Dulcama and Causticum, and Thuja comes the last.

My question is: Should I keep taking Thuja? If so, when should I stop and move to the next remedy if there’s no getting better? If I should take another remedy, which one I should go with? Again, when should I stop and switch is there’s no getting better?

I really appreciate your time and help. I wanted to find a local homeopathy practitioner but I couldn’t find any in Michigan… For anyone that is going to comment on my post, thank you in advance!
  hopeandjoy on 2017-02-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Send the picture of the warts
How they look like
mnaari 8 years ago
If you took thuja 200 one dose will act for at least 2 weeks. Often if remedy is correct symptoms will worsen and then get better. You have to wait for at least two weeks to see direction of the remedy. Google herings law of cure to get an idea of what homeopaths look for after a remedy.

Overdosing will cause the problem to get worse and bring on problems you never had.
simone717 8 years ago
Mnaari: I've attached a picture to this post

Simone717: Thank you for the advice! If Thuja doesn't work and I stop at two weeks, would it be considered overdosing?

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hopeandjoy 8 years ago
Day 1 thuja 200c
Day 4 calc carb 200c
Day 7 thuja 200c
Same way keep on alternating the remedies after every 3 days
Report after two weeks
mnaari 8 years ago
Not overdosing at all. Trying one remedy at a time and waiting to see effects and then evaluating is the proper way to do homeopathy.

Everyone is different in how they react, depending on sensitivity and whether the remedy is producing
A reaction. In your case it is already reacting by making it slightly worse,
So depending what is going on after two weeks evaluation, the remedy may still be active and working, so you would NOT take more but let it continue.

thuja is a very deep acting remedy along with some others so you have to be careful here. And remember that the remedy is a match to what is going on. Homeopathy works bc the body will not accept 2 things of the same. "Like cures like."

Your body reacts to the match and tries to clear the remedy by raising life force to do it. It then clears the remedy and targets the real similar disease. The life force will also push out all the things used to suppress
The warts in the past. Just let it unfold and come back in two weeks and evaluate. There is no way to
Predict things ahead.
simone717 8 years ago
Why would you tell someone to take MORE thuja when they are already aggravating from the dose they just took?

Obviously they will aggravate even more??

The first rule of healing is do no harm.
simone717 8 years ago
Thank you both for your replies! I really appreciate it! I’m planning to take thuja for two full weeks and then re-evaluate. It’s been about a week and I haven’t noticed any big change. Finger crossed!
hopeandjoy 8 years ago
Do you mean wait for two weeks?

Or take more? If you take more when not needed, you risk having more warts appear from overdose. Your next post will then be how do I stop this.
simone717 8 years ago
Hi Simone:

Sorry for not being clear. I started the Thuja last Tuesday so I will be taking it till next Tuesday, if it's not any better I will stop by then. Is this okay?

Thank you for the kind reminder.
hopeandjoy 8 years ago

You take ONE dose of 200 and then wait for two weeks to see the effect.
A 200 c can work for 2 weeks and more..just one dose.

The other prescription you saw was copied from somewhere ? without good understanding of remedies or effects.
simone717 8 years ago
Oh my God! This might be the reason why my son got more pimple-like eruptions on his body. His homeopath told us to give Rhus Tox 200C daily! I then noticed that he has more eruptions.

Then he advised him to take Thuja 30C 2x/day for the sclerosis in his eye. The growth in the eye is clearing and redness is very minimal now..Now I am thinking when he need to stop the Thuja. He has already taken 10 doses.

But I've seen in the book of Banerjis of India (from which the homeopath trained) and using 200C daily...
Jane77 8 years ago
Hi Jane,

You have the banerji protocols book?
Their primary focus for 3 generations has been cancr/brain tumors.
They are using homeopathic remedies in a different way than normal homeopathic individualizations of a persons symptoms. They specifically work on finding protocols and have a huge database.

However, in the doses of rhus tox
And aggravations , that sounds
Like overdoing it.
simone717 8 years ago
Thuja does not work alone in warts except the warts of thuja type
Its a general remedy for warts
I have treated some cases
If thuja and calc carb doesn't work
Then other remedies will be tried
Did you see any improvements during thuja usage?
mnaari 8 years ago
Yes Simone, I got curious because my kids are under the care of homeopaths...I wanted to study homeopathy and learned of the Banerji protocols through reading Joette Calabrese's blogs..so I asked a friend in India to buy me their book. I think their cancr treatments are very good because my kids' local homeopath using their protocol has success in curing cancrs here in our country..

I am eagerly interested to learn and will be enrolling to their local homeopath's class. I just hope he will bring classical and baenrji protocols combined.

Do you think we should antidote the rhus tox now? Or we focus on using the thuja (scleritis-which I think is serious; and effects of vaccination) and wait for the aggravations of rhus tox to subside?

Thanks much!
Jane77 8 years ago
Thank you for the reply mnaari...
Thuja worked excellently, the growth in the corner of the eye in the sclera part and the redness (I diagnosed my kid thru the net and found it to be scleritis) was removed within 3days I think with Thuja 30C. Actually I was the one who chose that remedy by using the Online Remedy Finder and just texted to his homeopath because he can't see my kid that time. It's the only remedy I found to have that "scleritis" as symptom. Lucky me!

I think this is an old symptom appearing so I guess the Arsenicum album and rhus tox he prescribed brought that one out.

And it makes him to less pick/scratch his eczema in his earlobes . The rashes in his earlobes are the most resistant to treatment. We have cured his Right earlobe with Lycopodium and Graphites but in Q potency by a homeopath in the US. (We abandoned that homeopath because we have difficulty with finances as he is also treating my daughter with epilepsy.) Then when this local homeopath prescribed ars alb in 200C the cured rashes in R earlobe came back again. But his Left ear was there since I remember, we've gone to lots of dermatologists and allergiologists in vain!
Jane77 8 years ago
Hi Jane,

I would just wait on all things. If the eye is clearing see if it continues
To clear - the danger here is
Suppression .

Remedies can like allopathic drugs suppress /palliate.
This is what happened when you gave the arsenicum - previous "cured"problem was showing up to release.

Homeopathy if done right is to find
The similimum or partial simillimum
And let the body start releasing
In a certain way- herings law of cure.

It is not take this for that- except perhaps for arnica ( fall, bruise, injury)

I think the banerji protocols for life
Threatening illness are wonderful.
But I would not be using them for
Other things -
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 14:10:03 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Thank you for the explanation Simone... That's why i look up at the materia medica online to make sure that symptoms are present in what remedies...then select the best one...
On suppression where can i read more on that? If i have to learn homeopathy online, where are ge good places to start?

Yes i think you're right, baner ji is for life-threatening situations...
Jane77 8 years ago
Hi Jane,

1. What is meant by suppression and how does it cause chronic illness?
2.understaning suppression. National center of homeopathy(this covers homeopathic suppression along with allopathic.)
3.tutorial9-palliation,suppression or cure
Has other tutorials on basics

I would start reading all the articles on drluc.com
And read the "organon " by hahnemann
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 01:20:17 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Thanks Simone, you are generous...

I hope you can attend to my questions on my learning journey. God bless!
Jane77 8 years ago
THANK YOU SO MUCH Simone! Definitely don't want to overdose... I stopped taking it when I saw your post (didn't get to reply right away as I was not logged in).

Thanks again!
hopeandjoy 8 years ago
Welcome , hope and joy.
simone717 8 years ago

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