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Smelling ammonia or menthol like smell from my nose. May have polyps
Hello,I have been dealing with smelly mucus and I think I may have nasal polyps. It takes longer to inhale through left nostril, then right. The smell is an ammonia or menthol smell that I am smelling when I inhale through my nose. Sometimes, I feel a burn when breathing through my nose.
I have found temporary relief using a product called "Xlear" (xylitol nasal wash spray). When I spray the Xlear in my nose and lay down it clears out the mucous. However, the smell I am smelling soon returns. It hasn't affected my sense of taste very much but I would love to see this smell disappear for good. This has been going on for the last several months.
I'm trying to attack this internally too. I am taking a good multi-vitamin and just started on a 125 mg capsule, that includes this combination: Grapefruit Seed Extract, With Echinacea & Artemisia Annua.
It totally went away after the first bottle of Xlear, but came back. Any help as to what to take that would increase the health of my sinuses would be appreciated.
Update: smell seems to be going away, not having to rely on Xlear as much, but would still like any advise. Not totally gone.
Thank you!
(PS...I'm a firm believer in natural, "complimentary" medicine where possible)
[message edited by Matt on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 20:37:45 UTC]
Matt on 2017-02-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ homeo_helper 7 years ago
I just wanted to mention that other people are NOT smelling this coming from me, it is I who am smelling these smells.
Not sure if I made that clear in my opening post. Would this still be the correct prescription? I do notice when I inhale steam through my nose, it stings in my nose, in the area of the bridge of the nose and causes me to sneeze with post nasal drip. Again, it is I who smell these smells, not others that smell it on me.
[message edited by Matt on Tue, 21 Feb 2017 20:43:43 UTC]
Not sure if I made that clear in my opening post. Would this still be the correct prescription? I do notice when I inhale steam through my nose, it stings in my nose, in the area of the bridge of the nose and causes me to sneeze with post nasal drip. Again, it is I who smell these smells, not others that smell it on me.
[message edited by Matt on Tue, 21 Feb 2017 20:43:43 UTC]
Matt 7 years ago
Have you gone to ent for correct diagnosis? You do not have to take the meds but someone should look up there and see what is going on,
Whether there is polyps or infection,
Or just inflammation?
Mucous drip,down back throats over time wears down the sinus membranes. They become thinner and then this makes them open to bacteria. You have to get control of back throats sinus mucous drip.
You may just have irritation up there only, and it stings when
You use things.
I suggest find out what the facts are.
If irritated then you can take things like kali mur 6x cell salts , which stop the drip and then allow the area to heal , but you need some facts here.
Have you gone to ent for correct diagnosis? You do not have to take the meds but someone should look up there and see what is going on,
Whether there is polyps or infection,
Or just inflammation?
Mucous drip,down back throats over time wears down the sinus membranes. They become thinner and then this makes them open to bacteria. You have to get control of back throats sinus mucous drip.
You may just have irritation up there only, and it stings when
You use things.
I suggest find out what the facts are.
If irritated then you can take things like kali mur 6x cell salts , which stop the drip and then allow the area to heal , but you need some facts here.
♡ simone717 7 years ago
Thank you Simone. What you're decribing sounds more like what I have. I am able to breath through my nose just fine. But I do have clear mucus backed up that I can "smell" sometimes. When I use the Xlear nasal spray, it stings "something" in the back of my nose near the bridge area. The Xlear has a small amount of grapefruit seed extract (used as a preservative) that I know is causing the stinging. Because if I just use plain xylitol and sea salt, there is no real sting. Some of the other symptoms that kali mur is used for I have too, namely ringing in the ears and hard of hearing in the left ear. I don't have the funds to see an ENT currently. I really am thinking it may be infection. Would you go with kali mur then?
Matt 7 years ago
Grapefruit seed extract is extremely acidic and do not know why that would be an ingredient. Even using salt can be irritating after a while.
There is a product out there, that is nose spray with aloe and water and that seems to be much more soothing.
I would try the kali mur 3 tabs of 6x
4times a day for a week. See what you notice, and observe your diet choices as far as acidic type foods,
Chocolate, etc avoid. And also investigate allergy type reactions to
Wind, pollen,dust,mold?
You first want to give your body a break from Constant triggering of mucous-so it can heal. Then manage
The triggers, whether it is from food,
Or environment. You can buy a air cleaner ,hepa filter for your room and keep windows shut and notice that effect.
There is a product out there, that is nose spray with aloe and water and that seems to be much more soothing.
I would try the kali mur 3 tabs of 6x
4times a day for a week. See what you notice, and observe your diet choices as far as acidic type foods,
Chocolate, etc avoid. And also investigate allergy type reactions to
Wind, pollen,dust,mold?
You first want to give your body a break from Constant triggering of mucous-so it can heal. Then manage
The triggers, whether it is from food,
Or environment. You can buy a air cleaner ,hepa filter for your room and keep windows shut and notice that effect.
♡ simone717 7 years ago
Thanks again Simone. The Xlear has one drop of grapefruit seed extract per 1.5 oz spray bottle from what I have gathered. I haven't used any GSE other then what was in the Xlear. It is soothing to use, so there must not be much in there.
Anyway, I am going to get the kali mur and use that instead. I want to treat the cause of this and not a temporary fix.
As I write this, I am into a 24 hour fast (first time I have ever fasted) to see if that will help too. So far, I am still noticing my smell being "off" and still getting the mucous drip which is a clear (no color) mucous.
I am using a neti pot, with ¼ teaspoon pink sea salt and ½ teaspoon xylitol to 8oz distilled water. I don't know if it is helping or not. I guess it cant hurt?
Anyway, I am going to get the kali mur and use that instead. I want to treat the cause of this and not a temporary fix.
As I write this, I am into a 24 hour fast (first time I have ever fasted) to see if that will help too. So far, I am still noticing my smell being "off" and still getting the mucous drip which is a clear (no color) mucous.
I am using a neti pot, with ¼ teaspoon pink sea salt and ½ teaspoon xylitol to 8oz distilled water. I don't know if it is helping or not. I guess it cant hurt?
Matt 7 years ago
I would not use Neti pot-problems with potential bacteria.
I would get plain sterile saline spray.
The key is the mucous drip stopping.
Once the tissues up in nose get irritated even water can furthur irritate them - be careful. Gp seed extract I think is crazy, even a drop.
I would get plain sterile saline spray.
The key is the mucous drip stopping.
Once the tissues up in nose get irritated even water can furthur irritate them - be careful. Gp seed extract I think is crazy, even a drop.
♡ simone717 7 years ago
Sorry for getting back late, its been a lot of "stuff" happen over the last week or so.
I really think you are right on Simone about how you approach my condition. So its the "runny nose" which needs to stop for the healing to take place? I think the runny nose (which I have been having bouts of) may be the symptom to the root cause? In other words, I need to get to the "cause" of my runny nose.
I do have an update.
I thought about what you said, not using the Xlear OR neti pot for awhile. (Its been over a week or so that I have stopped using the neti pot and Xlear). And guess what? My condition is s-l-o-w-l-y getting better.
The strange menthol smell I smell now comes and goes and seems to be "weaker", where as before it would be strong and with me continuously for a week or more at a time.
I have been taking 2000 to 3000 mg of vitamin C and 1-3-beta-glucan daily.
I wonder if that could be helping along with trying to eat at least a salad a day and cut out sugar.
I haven't gotten around to getting the kali mur. Do you think I still need it, or should I wait to see if improvements continue?
[message edited by Matt on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 04:11:37 UTC]
[message edited by Matt on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 04:12:26 UTC]
I really think you are right on Simone about how you approach my condition. So its the "runny nose" which needs to stop for the healing to take place? I think the runny nose (which I have been having bouts of) may be the symptom to the root cause? In other words, I need to get to the "cause" of my runny nose.
I do have an update.
I thought about what you said, not using the Xlear OR neti pot for awhile. (Its been over a week or so that I have stopped using the neti pot and Xlear). And guess what? My condition is s-l-o-w-l-y getting better.
The strange menthol smell I smell now comes and goes and seems to be "weaker", where as before it would be strong and with me continuously for a week or more at a time.
I have been taking 2000 to 3000 mg of vitamin C and 1-3-beta-glucan daily.
I wonder if that could be helping along with trying to eat at least a salad a day and cut out sugar.
I haven't gotten around to getting the kali mur. Do you think I still need it, or should I wait to see if improvements continue?
[message edited by Matt on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 04:11:37 UTC]
[message edited by Matt on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 04:12:26 UTC]
Matt 7 years ago
There is runny nose and there is harder to detect post nasal drip down the back throats sinus passages.
You could have one or both going on at the same time. The drip down back throat can be subtle-clearing you throat,extra swallowing and it can go on more at night, not noticed.
Bottom line- you want all mucous to stop bc it weakens the membranes.
They are then open to bacteria infection.And the weaker the membrane,the more mucous.
kali mur 6x is good for stopping the
Back throat drip,I would get ferrum phos 6x and take it too as it will boost your system.
Avoid acidic foods,junk food, sweets
-simple way to think on this is eat real food, like the salads and so on.
You could have one or both going on at the same time. The drip down back throat can be subtle-clearing you throat,extra swallowing and it can go on more at night, not noticed.
Bottom line- you want all mucous to stop bc it weakens the membranes.
They are then open to bacteria infection.And the weaker the membrane,the more mucous.
kali mur 6x is good for stopping the
Back throat drip,I would get ferrum phos 6x and take it too as it will boost your system.
Avoid acidic foods,junk food, sweets
-simple way to think on this is eat real food, like the salads and so on.
♡ simone717 7 years ago
Hello again Simone,
Well, I have an update again. This MAY be part of the problem. I discovered this last night. It MAY be the whole problem I don't know. I have had, for months and hardly noticed, pain from what feels like a might be a tiny sore, its an area on the inside of my right nostril (right at the tip of the nose, but again, on the inside of my nose. When I push down on the tip of my nose, this sore spot hurts worse and almost immediately I start producing quite a bit of clear mucous. Mainly from the right side but also some from the left. This pain (feels like a pimple or in-grown hair maybe) gets sharper from pushing down on the tip of my nose, sometimes making my eyes water too. Would you still recommend kali mur? Could it be infection? It doesn't really bother me unless I push down on my nose. But, when it triggered a lot of mucous by pushing down on the tip of my nose, I thought, wow, maybe this is at least PARTIALLY responsible. It seems like the menthol smell weakens after I do this and while it still comes and goes, it disappeared all together, even as I write this. Wish I knew what was making it sore and what may work as far as homeopathy, or, something I could put on the end of a Qtip and apply it directly to the sore spot?
Thanks again for hanging in there with me for this seems never ending story.
Well, I have an update again. This MAY be part of the problem. I discovered this last night. It MAY be the whole problem I don't know. I have had, for months and hardly noticed, pain from what feels like a might be a tiny sore, its an area on the inside of my right nostril (right at the tip of the nose, but again, on the inside of my nose. When I push down on the tip of my nose, this sore spot hurts worse and almost immediately I start producing quite a bit of clear mucous. Mainly from the right side but also some from the left. This pain (feels like a pimple or in-grown hair maybe) gets sharper from pushing down on the tip of my nose, sometimes making my eyes water too. Would you still recommend kali mur? Could it be infection? It doesn't really bother me unless I push down on my nose. But, when it triggered a lot of mucous by pushing down on the tip of my nose, I thought, wow, maybe this is at least PARTIALLY responsible. It seems like the menthol smell weakens after I do this and while it still comes and goes, it disappeared all together, even as I write this. Wish I knew what was making it sore and what may work as far as homeopathy, or, something I could put on the end of a Qtip and apply it directly to the sore spot?
Thanks again for hanging in there with me for this seems never ending story.
Matt 7 years ago
Start silica 6x 4 x a day and same with kali mur 6x.
Use Kali Mur tab with a tiny water amount and put directly on the area
As a paste.
Try this for 4 days.silica can open a vent to outside and then if pus etc,
Use calc sulph to take care of that.
Matt, I can see an ENT for $50 in
California. To end this fast, it would be best to see an ent, or just an md
Who can examine the area, and if ingrown hair, they can pull it out.
Use Kali Mur tab with a tiny water amount and put directly on the area
As a paste.
Try this for 4 days.silica can open a vent to outside and then if pus etc,
Use calc sulph to take care of that.
Matt, I can see an ENT for $50 in
California. To end this fast, it would be best to see an ent, or just an md
Who can examine the area, and if ingrown hair, they can pull it out.
♡ simone717 7 years ago
OK, thanks much Simone. I never thought of making it into a paste. I just hate the thought of going to a "Western" doctor. If worse came to worse, I would see a D.O. or alternative medicine, natural health doctor.
Thanks again...will try what you suggested.
Thanks again...will try what you suggested.
Matt 7 years ago
Yes see a D O or just an md.
You need right diagnosis. It could be ingrown hair - simple. But you want
A trained dr- my mother had a tiny micro bump on her top skull.
Dermatologist looked at it and in 2 seconds said breast cncr. She was right. There were no other signs.
You can choose how to treat yourself-
But getting right diagnosis is imperative.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 15 Mar 2017 20:06:22 UTC]
You need right diagnosis. It could be ingrown hair - simple. But you want
A trained dr- my mother had a tiny micro bump on her top skull.
Dermatologist looked at it and in 2 seconds said breast cncr. She was right. There were no other signs.
You can choose how to treat yourself-
But getting right diagnosis is imperative.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 15 Mar 2017 20:06:22 UTC]
♡ simone717 7 years ago
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