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Please help! Heel, calf and hip pain

Hi, I'm 40 years old female. I had a baby in September whom I breastfeed exclusively. My problem is that my heels hurt terribly when I wake up in the morning. Heel pain goes to calf muscles and lately in my left foot it goes forward, not to my toes. My hip joint, back hurts as well. The pain is on the outer side of the thighs. After taking few steps things start to get better but after standing for two hours or sitting for long for feeding makes my legs tired. I need to stretch them to get relief.
The other problem is that I have too much gas in my stomach especially in the evening. I burp a lot as well especially after lunch and evening. I am starting to have stomach burning as well lately after meals. But I m totally fine in the morning. At the end of the urination, the is a sharp pain for a second on the external part.
I m slightly constipated in the sense that I go to toilet every day but my stool is hard in the beginning and the soft normal afterwards. After lunch or n the early evening I start to have a feeling that I need to go for stool but normally it's only too much gas.
My baby too is very gasy especially at night. He burps very often. He does poop during or immediately after feed 3-4 times a day. He is almost 4.5 months old but still have cradle cap.
I have very slight uncomfortable feeling on my left upper teeth. Pain sometimes goes to my left temple too.
I m taking Staphysagria 30, 3 times a day, once a week.
I m 5'5,73 kg fair complexion female of South Asian origin. I am in a very stressful relationship with my husband. I get angry very easily. Lately, sadly I have started hitting my kids more but after that I feel bad:(. Warmth brings relief to me and my baby.
Today I noticed that my left breast is little red
. I have body aches and pains
[message edited by mominisb on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 18:10:10 UTC]
[message edited by mominisb on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 04:56:04 UTC]
[message edited by mominisb on Thu, 09 Feb 2017 04:58:48 UTC]
[message edited by mominisb on Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:37:00 UTC]
  mominisb on 2017-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Check your prakriti at holisticonline. Com under ayurveda section and report scores.
Teupne 8 years ago

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