The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hypercoagulable state and thrombosis
Hi,Am an allopathic the age of 22 I had recurrent deep vein thrombosis and an episode of pulmonary embolism.Then I was put on t.Warfarin for lifetime.Am monitoring my prothrombin time.3years back I was found to have m protein in my blood.for which am being monitored I have developed superior mesenteric vein thrombosis .my haemoglobin is 10mom and ESR is high above 100 due to m protein.can you play suggests a good doctor in Chennai.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Srunp on 2017-02-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Arnica-1m and Calc Fluorica-1m alternate day at bed time (6 pills)
2. Lachesis-200 6 pills daily in morning
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
[message edited by homeo_helper on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 14:32:20 UTC]
1. Arnica-1m and Calc Fluorica-1m alternate day at bed time (6 pills)
2. Lachesis-200 6 pills daily in morning
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
[message edited by homeo_helper on Fri, 10 Feb 2017 14:32:20 UTC]
♡ homeo_helper 8 years ago
'I suggest you contact Dr Aadil Chimthanawala in Nagpur. Have a phone consult and get a suggestion for an expert near you.
Dr Aadil, is a well known heart expert
And has a heart hospital in Nagpur.
You need someone with specialist
Knowledge and Dr Aadil is very well regarded and connected in this area.
Forum owner has posted "advice here is not from medical professionals."
'I suggest you contact Dr Aadil Chimthanawala in Nagpur. Have a phone consult and get a suggestion for an expert near you.
Dr Aadil, is a well known heart expert
And has a heart hospital in Nagpur.
You need someone with specialist
Knowledge and Dr Aadil is very well regarded and connected in this area.
Forum owner has posted "advice here is not from medical professionals."
♡ simone717 8 years ago
Srunp 8 years ago
I cannot put the phone on here-will not allow it.
He is an md homeopath in Nagpur with his own heart hospital.
Google him and you will see lots of info. He is on the site of homeopathy world community often and does radio shows on heart health with the
USA owner of that site. He is very well known and well regarded.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 15 Feb 2017 04:03:26 UTC]
He is an md homeopath in Nagpur with his own heart hospital.
Google him and you will see lots of info. He is on the site of homeopathy world community often and does radio shows on heart health with the
USA owner of that site. He is very well known and well regarded.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 15 Feb 2017 04:03:26 UTC]
♡ simone717 8 years ago
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