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Camphora: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: Professional Constitutional Kit #2:



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camphora to antidote silicea???? 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

camphora and silicea

I'm taking silicea 6c twice a day for urinary tract scarring. Is it ok to take camphora 6c for spasms in urinary tract.

I go to urologist for dilation once in 2 weeks. After dialation I experience spasm in urinary tract

  nahom1 on 2017-02-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Camphora is a universal antidote to other remedies. Are you self prescribing?

I suggest you connect with dr rohit Jain , homeopath in India. He does online cases . There was a patient on here who had urethra stricture and scarring. Nothing was getting better
And he had been treated by several homeopaths.

Dr Jain uses protocols of different remedies and sends them with detailed instructions. This patient kept in touch with me and was leading a normal life after a few months of treatment.
simone717 8 years ago

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