The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Overmasturbation side effects
Weak legs due to overmasturbation habit..How to cure it...and how to stop masturbation habit...any medicine which may work for these two conditions of mine..
I am also having sunkun cheeks..
Please suggest me to cure my every problem
[message edited by Gaurav444 on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 12:33:00 UTC]
Gaurav444 on 2017-02-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
My dear Gaurav,
I am reproducing my comments from one of my earlier threads.
Negative feelings that we develop like Guilt, Envy, loneliness anger do much more damage to our mental & physical health.
The excerpt is reproduced below as follows:-
"Do you drink tea or coffee or milk? I am sure you do. Do you feel guilty drinking it.
Do you sleep in the night & wake up in the morning? I am sure you do. Do you feel that you have wasted your time?
Like any other biological needs Masturbation is as natural as eating, sleeping, drinking etc.
Why are you making a mountain out of a mole & that too non-existent one.
Enjoy your life as it comes to you every moment & be happy & grateful to God that you are live & fit enough to enjoy every aspect of your Body, mind & soul.
Guilt is the worst curse that so called "contractors of religions "has instilled in all of us for their own selfish motives.
Better say to them GTH (go to hell) and be happy & cheerful which is your BIRTH RIGHT.
I am reproducing my comments from one of my earlier threads.
Negative feelings that we develop like Guilt, Envy, loneliness anger do much more damage to our mental & physical health.
The excerpt is reproduced below as follows:-
"Do you drink tea or coffee or milk? I am sure you do. Do you feel guilty drinking it.
Do you sleep in the night & wake up in the morning? I am sure you do. Do you feel that you have wasted your time?
Like any other biological needs Masturbation is as natural as eating, sleeping, drinking etc.
Why are you making a mountain out of a mole & that too non-existent one.
Enjoy your life as it comes to you every moment & be happy & grateful to God that you are live & fit enough to enjoy every aspect of your Body, mind & soul.
Guilt is the worst curse that so called "contractors of religions "has instilled in all of us for their own selfish motives.
Better say to them GTH (go to hell) and be happy & cheerful which is your BIRTH RIGHT.
daktersaab 8 years ago
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