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Can & How To Homeopathy Cure Dental (Jaw) Cysts.


I have 2 Cysts on the right-upper jaw teeth and the Dentist told me to go through Surgery (Enucleation). I am in a hurry, because, please see the attached X-Ray image of my right-jaw, and the Dentist said that Cysts are involved with the Sinus. I also have a Sinus issue. I did Cone Beam CT (CBCT) scan and there are soft-tissues in both my left and right Maxillary Sinuses.

Under this condition, is there any way by which Homeopathy can cure my Cysts ? I need faster results through Homeopathy please for the Dentist had given me 2 months of time till 21st February to do the Enucleation and I need to go to the dentist again and I want Homeopathic cure asap.

Thanks in advance,


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  SJD001 on 2017-03-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
They are either Cysts or infections.


SJD001 8 years ago
Any doctor please help.
SJD001 8 years ago

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