The ABC Homeopathy Forum
sneeze, runny nose, watery eyes since age 12
Hi there...Would really really appreciate if someone can figure out the problem and read all my details.
... The topic is related to menstrubation or ejaculation.
As i as am having problem submitting the form, i have written all of my details from childhood till now in notepad and Microsoft word as well. if you prefer full details about how i started and what where the issues, pressure , depression etc please send me email on javaidahmad86 at yahoo dot com and i will send you the file or please let me know how to publish here on this website.
I am really struggling please help.
i will give brief conclusion that: i am having sneeze, runny nose, watery eyes,scratching throat inside, maybe i am allergic to my own semen as the symptoms worsen after ejaculation.
This disease is known as POIS disease..
[message edited by javed5 on Fri, 14 Apr 2017 01:37:58 UTC]
javed5 on 2017-03-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take the remedies as follows and report back.
day 1 to day 3
Sulphur 200 twice a day.
day 4 to day 6
Agaricus 200 twice a day.
day 7 to day 9
Sepia 200 twice a day.
day 10 to day 12
Natrum Mur 200 twice a day
One dose means 2 pills for all above remedies.
day 13 to day 20
2 pellets each of Kali Mur 6x, Kali Sulph 6x and Kali Phos 6x twice a day.
[message edited by kadwa on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 05:51:20 UTC]
day 1 to day 3
Sulphur 200 twice a day.
day 4 to day 6
Agaricus 200 twice a day.
day 7 to day 9
Sepia 200 twice a day.
day 10 to day 12
Natrum Mur 200 twice a day
One dose means 2 pills for all above remedies.
day 13 to day 20
2 pellets each of Kali Mur 6x, Kali Sulph 6x and Kali Phos 6x twice a day.
[message edited by kadwa on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 05:51:20 UTC]
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
Hi sir ..
I have completed your prescription but i think there is no improvement in my POIS.
There might be little bit improvement in my symptoms reduction but i think that can be due to summer ... My POIS symptoms or so called sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, ect do effect me more in winter then summer...
Please suggest me what to do further??
[message edited by javed5 on Wed, 12 Apr 2017 00:10:10 UTC]
I have completed your prescription but i think there is no improvement in my POIS.
There might be little bit improvement in my symptoms reduction but i think that can be due to summer ... My POIS symptoms or so called sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, ect do effect me more in winter then summer...
Please suggest me what to do further??
[message edited by javed5 on Wed, 12 Apr 2017 00:10:10 UTC]
javed5 7 years ago
day 1 to day 3
Calcarea Carb 200 twice a day
day 4 to day 15
Silicea 200 in evening.
Please report back after 20 days.
Calcarea Carb 200 twice a day
day 4 to day 15
Silicea 200 in evening.
Please report back after 20 days.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
I think that is what we called allergic rhinitis.
Allergic rhinitis is commonly known as hay fever.
Common symptoms include sneezing, stuffy nose, watery eyes, and a sore, scratchy throat.
Possible triggers include grass, pollen, dust mites, cockroaches, cigarette smoke, and perfume.
Allergic rhinitis is commonly known as hay fever.
Common symptoms include sneezing, stuffy nose, watery eyes, and a sore, scratchy throat.
Possible triggers include grass, pollen, dust mites, cockroaches, cigarette smoke, and perfume.
Zeers 7 years ago
Hi there
Yes i have completed 20 days of medication as prescribed .
I think siliceaâ has done something,, it improved my runny nose to little thik discharge ..
Before it use to be mostly runny nose like water. But before, once the watery nose sneezing stop , for the rest of the day i am fine unless in some circumstances. But now my nose mostly stay as blocked even once i am ok (when the sneezing runny nose red eyes attack reduces) and when i try to blow or clear nose, thik-water get discharged.. the thik discharge is not really thik but better then water thiknes .
I would appreciate if you would take and ask my history or ask questions about my body so that it can be easier to figure out the medicine that best matches me.
Yes i have completed 20 days of medication as prescribed .
I think siliceaâ has done something,, it improved my runny nose to little thik discharge ..
Before it use to be mostly runny nose like water. But before, once the watery nose sneezing stop , for the rest of the day i am fine unless in some circumstances. But now my nose mostly stay as blocked even once i am ok (when the sneezing runny nose red eyes attack reduces) and when i try to blow or clear nose, thik-water get discharged.. the thik discharge is not really thik but better then water thiknes .
I would appreciate if you would take and ask my history or ask questions about my body so that it can be easier to figure out the medicine that best matches me.
javed5 7 years ago
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
hi there
i took Tuberculinum Bov.. then started Mercurius sol and after 5 days i got sudden soar throat after eating a spic food . this soar throat wasn't normal, it was different from the one i have been getting since childhood. within 4 hours i was suffering from soar throat all over my throat(usually it takes 2 3 days ) and my left, right inside throat was in pain... i took pulsatilla the very next hour and i clearly felt like my left throat side is getting better and after couple of hours my left throat was OK.. the very next day i started having a lot of mucus without having and sort of flue or Oryza. but after that i took twice the pulsatila but it didnt help so i tried some herbs which and allowed my body to fight against it , so am cured now after 7 8 days.
withing this period my sneezing runny nose red eyes , these symptoms where not present , but as now my mucus is finishing these symptoms are returning...
should i wait 2 3 days to report if the symptoms get worse or ???
i took Tuberculinum Bov.. then started Mercurius sol and after 5 days i got sudden soar throat after eating a spic food . this soar throat wasn't normal, it was different from the one i have been getting since childhood. within 4 hours i was suffering from soar throat all over my throat(usually it takes 2 3 days ) and my left, right inside throat was in pain... i took pulsatilla the very next hour and i clearly felt like my left throat side is getting better and after couple of hours my left throat was OK.. the very next day i started having a lot of mucus without having and sort of flue or Oryza. but after that i took twice the pulsatila but it didnt help so i tried some herbs which and allowed my body to fight against it , so am cured now after 7 8 days.
withing this period my sneezing runny nose red eyes , these symptoms where not present , but as now my mucus is finishing these symptoms are returning...
should i wait 2 3 days to report if the symptoms get worse or ???
javed5 7 years ago
You have to repeat the protocol. This is a curative discharge. Other than Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph 200 and Causticum 200 look good. You may apply them later if Merc doesn't work.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
Hi there
I have repeated the prescription again, still no improvement..
Only feel better if its a sunny and hot day..
Any suggestions??
I have repeated the prescription again, still no improvement..
Only feel better if its a sunny and hot day..
Any suggestions??
javed5 7 years ago
Please take Aurum Met 30 in evening for 10 days and see how that affects.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
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