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Need homeopathic help to increase breastmilk supply and fight leg cramps
Am making this very detailed in the hopes that someone can better assess my situation. But to be clear, my goal is to increase my breastmilk as much as I can.I am a 1st time mom of a darlin 6.5 mn baby girl. I don't sleep well, need to lose at least 30 lbs min, BP is fine, walk 4-5 times a week, and have chronic back pain. She was born via csection due to back pain and her position - breach.
I had VERY bad edema in my legs for aabout 3 mos. - 1 prior to birth and 2 after. She couldn't latch until she was 2 months old. I have her sleep w/me to increase nighttime feeds - this has helped but it means that the most milk she gets is during the wee hrs of the morning.
I threw my back out last week while fastening my little one into a seat. Pain was minimal until I later on leaned tograb a handle.
Pain then was sharp, took my breath away and I could barely stand. A friend said I looked like I was standing on my right leg only. Putting wt on the left was excrutiating. I went to the emergency, received pain meds via drip, and was sent home w/muscle relaxants and pain meds so pumped/dumped to keep what little I get - but was in lots of pain so only pumped about 3-4 times a day. Tomorrow night these meds are out of my system. Lying flat helped as did heat. But basically, time as needed for the muscles to release - time and the muscle relaxants which I stopped as soon as I felt able since my goal is to be as healthy as possible to care and feed my daughter. Sitting in same pos. or standing in one place for long makes the pain more intense.
I'd describe my state of mind as positive, but anxious about being phy, able to care for my baby. When pain is more than I can comfortably manage, I get depressed easily; can cry somewhat at nothing; and daily stresses of outside sources ie family, make me very upset. My appetite is not good. I can get by on yogurt, cereal, tea and for a while oatmeal cookies. For the last week I have stopped the cookies and my sugar craving has gone way way down. If I crave anything, I'd say it would be lamb or tender beef.
I'm on methadone to manage the onegoing backpain.
Prior to last week, my left leg had muscle soreness, fatigue, and spasms deep in tissue. I tried arnica gel and arnica montana,and now am adding Mag Phos 6X.
For more milk I have tried fenugreek but it seemed to make legs swell and remain swelled. I try to drink lots of water, use Nursing tincture (has fennel seed, goats rue, Red raspberry leaf,Nettle, alfalfa and chamomile), Breastea (Roobios tea, alfalfa, nettles, milk thistle ..?..), and capsules of Milk thistle and Alfalfa. In addition to a good prenatal vitamin, I take calcium 1000/magnesium 500 twice daily for the leg cramps.
Heat helps leg cramps a bit, as does the arnica gel and arnica montana 30C.
I'm dedicated to getting as much breastmilk as possible. Prior to last week, I pumped after each feeding and when she would only take the bottle -- she gets frustrated/mad at the low/slow amt of bm milk. But, milk WAS going up and she was nursing more during the day than she had been. Now I feel so guilty as she turns toward me, esp at night, to nurse. At least she can go back to nursing tomorrow night!!
My back issues have been ongoing for 10 years -- they stem from injuring myself at work picking up boxes.
Other symtoms include hard skin on bottom of my feet and on sides of toes.
Emotionally: I enjoy being around not like to be by myself too much. I enjoy doing things for others but find it difficult to ask for anyones help. I am sometimes ultra sensitive and can feel slighted easily.
red17 on 2006-03-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
ok needtake this one step at a time--STOP methodone --mother's milk is affected..will affect child..
STOP acidic foods/drinks--carbonated soft drinks;coffee;acid fruits/fruit juices;vinegar ;..etc--thsi may aggravate pin
start daily use of essential fatty acid supplement (""udo's choice oil blend"" --has complete omegas)
single dose (2 pellets)arnica 30c---no repeat -wait 1 day-if NO response at all--THEN single dose (2 pellets) arnica 200c --wait and if no response then need to access...
meantime get to chiropractor--get accessment/treatment---may be subluxation ...
POST BACK so as to be guided
STOP acidic foods/drinks--carbonated soft drinks;coffee;acid fruits/fruit juices;vinegar ;..etc--thsi may aggravate pin
start daily use of essential fatty acid supplement (""udo's choice oil blend"" --has complete omegas)
single dose (2 pellets)arnica 30c---no repeat -wait 1 day-if NO response at all--THEN single dose (2 pellets) arnica 200c --wait and if no response then need to access...
meantime get to chiropractor--get accessment/treatment---may be subluxation ...
POST BACK so as to be guided
♡ John Stanton last decade
once dietary adjustments made---may see some change in milk flow --will acces then...still see chiropractor..
once dietary adjustments made---may see some change in milk flow --will acces then...still see chiropractor..
♡ John Stanton last decade
NO OTHER meds/remedies/cremes /gels AT ALL
♡ John Stanton last decade
As to the dietary adjustments... the only carbonated thing I drink is water .. ie pellagrino. I don't drink juice... prefer the whole fruit.
I realize that a minute amt is in the milk, but at present this is how I am able to function. To be clear, it is for back pain. Extensive research on this indicated that mothers who were taking it for other reasons were ENCOURAGED to breastfeed since the amts transferred were considered to be trace. At the dose I am taking, her healthcare providers are not concerned. She is healthy, happy, and quite alert.
What does the fatty ascid supplement address? Is this for milk production?
Also, is the arnica montana different from just arnica? And, is this also for milk production?
I've did chiropractic for years and believe in it BUT cannot do it now because I had an operation where they removed bone and my orig chiropractor advised against it. Am reevaluating this and also checking into Body alignment.
When you say no other meds etc., are you referring to the herbs for the milk production?
I realize that a minute amt is in the milk, but at present this is how I am able to function. To be clear, it is for back pain. Extensive research on this indicated that mothers who were taking it for other reasons were ENCOURAGED to breastfeed since the amts transferred were considered to be trace. At the dose I am taking, her healthcare providers are not concerned. She is healthy, happy, and quite alert.
What does the fatty ascid supplement address? Is this for milk production?
Also, is the arnica montana different from just arnica? And, is this also for milk production?
I've did chiropractic for years and believe in it BUT cannot do it now because I had an operation where they removed bone and my orig chiropractor advised against it. Am reevaluating this and also checking into Body alignment.
When you say no other meds etc., are you referring to the herbs for the milk production?
red17 last decade
essentail fatty acids transit right nourishmnet --to brest milk as well as good for mother assimilate vid/calcium ...this is ADVISED
as for pain killers _STOP usage...IT DOES EFFECT ...
forget arnica ..
single dose (2 pellets) pulsatilla 30c--no repetion
also AVOID ALL ACIDS AS MENTIONED--this include alcoholic beverages
as for pain killers _STOP usage...IT DOES EFFECT ...
forget arnica ..
single dose (2 pellets) pulsatilla 30c--no repetion
also AVOID ALL ACIDS AS MENTIONED--this include alcoholic beverages
♡ John Stanton last decade
Why do you suggest pulsatilla? A quick search indicated that it is used to dry up milk and as I am trying to increase my supply I am quite confused that you are advocating it.???
I just want to understand what each of the homeopathic remedies do.
I just want to understand what each of the homeopathic remedies do.
red17 last decade
walkin last decade
and SO IF THAT IS WHAT OCCURRED --i am here to follow up case......but that is what i precribed---
.well then quick look rest of symtoms ---it seem s pain killers and breast feeding were ok--whom advocated that?
why dont you ""quick look ""again and see what books say..puls (milk abscent )--calc being prime choice.....puls (milk disappearing)
pulsatila--look at your state of being...
2 remedies--calc and puls--
reduction of flow due to trauma _over concern= puls--and way you write..but dont take my advice...
so why believe my explanation?maybe my reasons are just nonsence?
look at above prescription ""may help"" try this "" try that""....
FORGET MY PRESRCIPTION---use your QUICK SEARCH--or follow the ""TRY THIS"" people ..see how long and deeply they get envolved---I remove myself from case..
.well then quick look rest of symtoms ---it seem s pain killers and breast feeding were ok--whom advocated that?
why dont you ""quick look ""again and see what books say..puls (milk abscent )--calc being prime choice.....puls (milk disappearing)
pulsatila--look at your state of being...
2 remedies--calc and puls--
reduction of flow due to trauma _over concern= puls--and way you write..but dont take my advice...
so why believe my explanation?maybe my reasons are just nonsence?
look at above prescription ""may help"" try this "" try that""....
FORGET MY PRESRCIPTION---use your QUICK SEARCH--or follow the ""TRY THIS"" people ..see how long and deeply they get envolved---I remove myself from case..
♡ John Stanton last decade
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