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Inimical (Incompatible) Remedies

Can someone tell me when one can change to an incompatible remedy if the first hasnt had the desired effect.

I have taken Ignatia 200 which hasnt had the desired effect of clearing a throat problem I developed during some emotional stress. I have since discovered that Nux Vomica matches both my constitutional type and symptoms. However, Nux is incompatible with Ign.

I have stopped taking Ign, when could I start taking Nux?
  Alistair on 2004-07-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
well - i don't know either, but really like to!

200 is supposed to be able to act for months.... it woukd probably appopiate to antidote ignatia, i would think?
itsme 2 decades ago
On some sites they mention that incompatible remedies shouldnt be taken in close succession. But how close is close, that is the question.

I guess giving incompatible remedies are normal, e.g. Homeopath prescribes a remedy, no effect, then prescribes another (possibly an incompatible one).

I've only taken one dose of Ignatia. Not sure if that effects the time I should wait.

do you know what anti-dotes ign? I've only seen remedies which anti-dote it's bad effects.

Interestingly, while researching this on the net, I came across a product called NICO-FREE for smokers to help them stop. This tablet combines both Ignatia and Nux Vomica, any thoughts?
Alistair 2 decades ago
there is probably some remedies that antidote ignatia, but u am not going to look it up, as you are right:
they antidote each a different "bad" effect of ignatia. I am just reading the book about prrofings by jeremy sherr. and he says, that in most cases (regular ones, if there is nothing really extremely going wrong while doing a proofing) a remedy can be antidoted by campher. (sniff on it 3, 4 times ). he here means the campher that comes in a bottle and is almost? pur solution. also this applies to tee tree oil, olbas (japanese menthol oil)

i would probably do that if i was you and sniff on a bottle like that a few many times.

these 'wonderdrugs' from the healthfoodstores for anti-smoking or anti-wrinkles have (i saw that) up to 12 different hom. remedies included, which are sometimes antidoting each other or are not compatible. i doubt they work, and if they work, the patient was probably lucky, they worked DESPITE the fact, the medicine was not homoeopathic in the true meaning at all.
itsme 2 decades ago
Found out from a homeopath that it is possible to take them alternatively at 3 to 4 hours intervals.

I took some Nux 30c before sleeping and had an extremely strange feeling. Panic attack, anxiety, didnt sleep well, felt scared for some weird reason. It wore off by the next day in the afternoon. I must say that homeopathic remedies have never worked for me, this is the first time I have ever had any kind of reaction. I must have hit on the right one for me. I am going to try a lower potency as I think the 30c is probably too strong for me.
Alistair 2 decades ago
the following staement is incorrect--as is the idea of potency too strong---

"........Found out from a homeopath that it is possible to take them alternatively at 3 to 4 hours intervals....."

when remedy is most homoeopathic to symptomology and --if new symptoms occured after taking remedy, then different remedy is indicated---to go lower is only foolish....if aggravation of existing symptoms,then aggravtion intensity decides course of action....
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Thanks John.

It might be an aggravation, it seems to have triggered anxiety feeling I used to get about a year ago during some relationship problems I had, would also get a panic attack sometimes. The same also happened to me about 4 years ago, in terms of relationship problem.

I am not sure whether this means the remedy is working.
Do you think I should do? take something to antidote it, or just wait...
Alistair 2 decades ago
Just wait - I'm sure John will agree.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
more like potency too low--if aggravtion too intense of existing and old symptoms---

any new symptoms at all?in any area ?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
No new symptoms.

A bit of history: About 3 years ago went through a relationship problem during which I developed throat inflammation, burning at back of throat, could be felt in ears. Worse on left side of throat. Saw a doc and specialist, couldn’t see much wrong apart from some redness and said he could remove tonsils if they were too bothersome. I said no thanks.

Inflammation improved slightly with time, still have a little redness at back of throat, worse on left. Coffee and cigarette smoke tend to make it worse and inflame it, as does spicy food.

Went through another bout of emotional turmoil about a year ago, developed anxiety, panic attacks. Always feeling tired, fatigued, lacking in energy. Gradually came out of this.

Still feel tired, fatigued most times. Tend to get about 5 – 6 hours sleep daily.

Tried various homeopathic remedies after consultation and self-help to help the throat inflammation. Lyc, belladonna, lach, apis, sepia, nit ac, phyto to name a few. Nothing seem to work.

Tried Nux, this seem to match my constitutional type and symptoms, this resulted in the reaction I described earlier. Seems to be the only remedy thus far that has had any kind of effect. Not sure if the reaction was just psychological.
Alistair 2 decades ago
where tonsils actually afected?

when antibiotic use in course of life?reasons why(symptoms)?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Tonsils and area around them at back of throat (on the sides) red. More redness on left side. The redness seems to show up more on the sides of the throat at the back rather than on actual tonsil. Occaisionally would get puss filled yellow spots on the tonsil.

Anti-biotics were used for this about 3 years back, but didnt work. (Doc said it was a virul infection, would need to work its course and would go on its own accord)
Alistair 2 decades ago
Is there a table of inimical/incompatible remedies?
aidacrc last decade

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