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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tiredness and fatigue

Hi. I m 39 yrs old male. I was first introduced to homeopathy a year back for dry eyes and acidity. I was recommended wheezql WL 35 and was very much satisfied with the results and the drops worked wonder on acidity and constipation too. Very recently when I went to purchase the same, I sought advice for tiredness and fatigue and was given sbl five phos. I took 3pellets twice a day and was felling well. It is fourth day and suddenly my leg knees hands are paining severely. Sometimes I have uric acid accumulation and it is similar. Experts please advice the reason. For acidity and indigestion I took urs chin 200 in these three days.
  Urerzieff on 2017-05-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please stop five phos. Please take a single dose of lycopodium 200 and see how that affects over a week.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks. Can u please tell the quantity of single dose or what exactly is single dose. Can I take urs chin 200. I am taking ten pellets before food 3 times a day.i don't take any medicines otherwise. WL 28 and WL 35 if need arises. Should I stop all these too
Urerzieff 7 years ago
Why are you taking chin ars 200 thrice a day? Who suggested you?
kadwa 7 years ago
A homeopathy consultant and pharmacist suggested for acidity and indigestion. Now my major concern is indigestion constipation and piles. I used to take wl28 from wheezal 10 drops after food three times and piles tablet 1 during night and was pretty good.
Urerzieff 7 years ago
I also would like to know if any of the medicines I take aggravates uric acid. Becoz I feel strong pain in my calf muscles both legs
Urerzieff 7 years ago
A homeopathic remedy is not expected to raise uric acid. Please take lycopodium 200 twice a day for three days and see how that affects over a week. Please stop all other remedies for the time being.
kadwa 7 years ago

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