The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Strengthen immune system in 4 years old
My son catches a cold every time he gets a little cold (if at night is chilly pr if we are out and he sweats and then gers cold...His cold starts always with a croupy cough then evolves into a stuffed nose/runny nose and sneezing and coughing, light sore throat and takes a week to get better.
I usually use herbs ... but I am hoping homeopathy can help to strengthen his immune system so he doesn't catch colds so easily and even if he does he can bounce back faster.
Can you help?
bluesky77 on 2017-05-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Day 1
Bacillinum 200 single dose
Day 3 to Day 5
Merc Sol 200 in evening
One dose means 2 pills.
Watch out response over 15 days.
Bacillinum 200 single dose
Day 3 to Day 5
Merc Sol 200 in evening
One dose means 2 pills.
Watch out response over 15 days.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
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