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Habit of biting my cheeks and lips

I am looking for some advice on which remedy to take when it comes to biting my lips and cheeks. I have been doing this for over a year now. I am 20 and feel that in my case this habit does not link anxiety or depression, although in saying that it may have been prompted by stress when I first started the habit. Thank you in advance for you help :)
  Greta G on 2017-06-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Geeta if it's a habit...then you have to change it your own. I too had the same problem but my mom and friends used to slap me as they see me doing it. Tell someone to slap you if they see you biting cheeks or lips.Reward yourself with your favourite thing if you succeed in controlling yourself for a day . Punish yourself by taking away a favorite thing for a day if you fail. I am sure this may help. :-)
dips 7 years ago

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