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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Penis problem

Sir one day i was not geeting erection so i did masterbuate when no erection.fron that day i m suffring from penis pain .utherea pain .and feeling whole scrotum warm and burning sensation whole day since 5 months .felling warm sensation and pressure in my anus to.my scrotum moves like puffing whole day pls help me . I took doxycline ofloxacin tetrafol plus but no improvement pls help me.urologist says there is nothing only worries but i know i m suufring this .i got marrige last month it may break pls help
  Dinesh kumar1 on 2017-06-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Sulphur 30 and Stramonium 30 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over a week.

One dose means 2 pills each of both remedies.
kadwa 7 years ago
Sir i took medicine from homeopath doc but no rrelief
Dinesh kumar1 7 years ago
Sir is my problem curable
Dinesh kumar1 7 years ago
Sir pls rply
Dinesh kumar1 7 years ago
I took uva vrsi q but no relief .i m feeling more restless after taking this why
Dinesh kumar1 7 years ago
Each person is this world is facing many problems. Those who manage problems well do well. Each of us would love to have no problem at all. But this is not how the life is!!
i could comment on your feedback to my suggestions. i can't make general remarks on random facts.
kadwa 7 years ago
Sir i have burning hot sensation in whole scrotum .i took many antibiotics but no relief.urologist and ultrasound is clear .is this genital Dysaesthesia.is it curable
Dinesh kumar1 7 years ago
Homeopathy doesn't address a particular pathology. It addresses totality of symptoms. Therefore a condition considered as hopeless by the modern medicine can be attempted with Homeopathy.
kadwa 7 years ago

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