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FOR DR.NAWAZ - Perianal abscess returns :(

Dr. Nawaz,

It is with great fear I return to this thread nearly exactly one year from having the first perianal abscess. The surgery to drain the last one, left a tiny scar. A small bump very similar to last abscess has formed exactly underneath this scar. A bump that feels and looks exactly like the beginnings of another abscess. It is slightly painful (soreness and stinging) when touched. It feels alleviated when I do a sitz bath. it is small, and it is very early. it has been about 5 days. This is when I have felt like it could be an abscess. It is about size of very small raisin. I have all of the medications that you prescribed to me from the last abscess so that is good. Remember they are all in pellet form. I do not have any silicea 200c on hand though. I have ordered it and it will arrive in a few days.

I do not want to go back to hospital. I am catching this earlier, way earlier than the last one in hopes to make sure I do not go back. I do not want to experience this pain again. I do not ever want to relive the last ordeal. I am becoming extremely stressed anticipating the pain to begin.

Please help :(

  purplecat44 on 2017-06-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Please take Staphysagria 200C, 4 pellets dissolved in 1/4th glass of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Hi everyone reading this post.
I've been trying to reply to most of peri rectal abscesses posts around the web to give people hope.
I'm successfully healed. Moreover, I know what caused my first abscess in the first place. And what to do to avoid any future abscesses.

So first of all, I have a really good diet and I never had any bowel or constipation issues. I'm mostly plant based ( about 90 % vegan, I eat mostly raw stuff too like greens and fruits).

Everything changed after I gave birth to my daughter. What probably had happened was that I tore not only in my vagina, but also in my rectum. I was in terrible pain for over 8 months, complaining to the doctors. But everyone just seemed to make a small deal out of it, childbirth is after all a rough thing to go through and we women just have to deal with it.

So anyway, about a year after my daughter's birth I had this pain that I got in the past, kind of scratchy burning feeling on the inside of my rectum, on the left side. A few days later, my whole bottom felt awful, a lump formed. I went to the E.R. The doctor there drained it with a syringe and gave me antibiotics. A whole year later I had this weird scratchy feeling again and the abscess had returned. I went to the E.R. I was sent back with just antibiotics and no draining. Had to go back following week as my abscess grew huge. I was put under general anesthesia, and IMAGINE that the surgeon there told me NOt to see proctologist, that the issue is handled and abscess will not be coming back. Mind you, he was a general surgeon, and it was a plain matter of cutting out an abscess. I was sent home to pack my wounds until the wound heals over by itself, slowly.

When I felt a weird hardening on the left side I made up my own mind to call a proctologist.
My proctologist said the hardening and pain is a FISTULA, which will abscess. I need a fistulotomy.
By the time I came into my scheduled surgery, it has abscessed so I had it drained and put on antibiotics. My proctologist told me my fistula is too large for him to handle and might be a vaginorectal fistula, if I tore during childbirth. I said yes I did.
He referred me to Portland, I was to be on antibiotics all the time until my surgery.
The surgeon specializing in fistuals and other rectal surgeries discussed options and we decided on the cutting seton, which has about 95- 97 % success rate. Small chance of not holding your stool afterwards but hey I'll take that over having abscesses on my butt all the time.
I had the surgery, all went well.
He checked on the seton once, said it's going really good. About 3 months later I had the final surgery - taking the seton out and fistulotomy.
I have been abscess free 6 months now and my butt feels almost normal apart from scar tissue.

But in the meantime I had a few scares and that left me to solve the mystery of why the abscesses came about at all.

After the seton surgery my rectum was very dry. I have researched that some gastric bypass surgeries also have that effect. In result, about once a month, I'd get this burning scratchy feeling as I went to the bathroom, and since I eat a healthy high fibre diet, I go twice a day... Two times a day I suffered, I started only eating fruit and veg, eliminating anything else, still my bathroom trips hurt. And then I had a revelation.
The doctors kept on telling me there might be different reasons for abscesses, maybe I sat too long, maybe I have chrons (no!), maybe I have diarhea.
So I figured it out by myself.
I looked for people with similar issues as mine and I ended up at ANAL FISSURES forum. People there were describing the same kind of pain.
I put two and two together. My dry rectum is causing the stool to make WOUNDS in my rectum, not only in my left side, but I also started having bad pain in the back and right sides. I quickly took the last bottle of antibiotic I had on hand (when I didn't have antibiotics stashed I used a lot of TURMERIC, organic and pure) and I researched herbal stool softeners. First I put myself on miralax. Let me tell you, within 5 days my FISSUREs healed, the pain went away and I stayed and will be continuing herbal stool softeners for the rest of my life.

So, to anyone who reads this and is suffering from anal abscesses, hopefully this helps you.
I was very depressed, my daughter is the only thing that kept me going. Otherwise I'd be ready to give up on my life, that's how bad it was living with chronic pain and endless surgeries. (and who has the money for that in the USA?, I'm on two hospital payment plans already)!

STOOL SOFTENERS. Also, if you had fissures but don't have too much scar tissue , then you can simply gently insert some vaseline into your bottom once every couple of days. I'd recommend a glove so the nail doesn't scratch you up.

Hopefully this gives someone hope...
If you want to ask me any more questions, don't hesitate.

If anyone knows a good homeopatic, herbal, stool softener, leave me a comment, thanks!
I'm on Kirkland right now. I feel like I have a new lease on life! Active, happy, healed.
moni1 7 years ago
Hi All!

Returning 6 years later to let you know that I have not had a single reoccurrence since then!!!
purplecat44 11 months ago

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