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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

left ankle and knee pain

I am 40 years young
No bp,sugar,DVT
Blood tests are all absolutely normal including thyroid
I had some d vitamin efficiency which is addressed now

Triglycerides are high, real high

I have pain behind my knee and around ankle

Unable to identify what the real issue is

If I dont sit for long in office ,like it happened yesterday , I was outside walking running etc, pain has reduced behind the knee

Any one knows what this is? I am not looking to reduce Pain, i am keen in knowing what the issue is
  dpnctl on 2017-07-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Any help pls
dpnctl 7 years ago
If pain changes after motion, it is called as a motion modality.
If a person is interested to know that how things are working in his body, it is a significant mental symptom and it acts as constitutional concomitant.
kadwa 7 years ago
tests are revealing nothing, after one of the physical examinations i was suggested to use the insoles assuming a flat foot, that helped for just 2-3 days, later same story.
dpnctl 6 years ago
Please see whether Lycopodium 30 can help.
kadwa 6 years ago

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