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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Genetics hair loss

I am male 25. losing hair from last 4 year. I have lost my vertex hair and i am getting bald on top area.

As per my research on net i found remedies for my problem.
please check theses remedies ,is it right or wrong for me?
How long should i take this medicine and how can i get better result?.

1)R89 -- 20 drops 3 times
2)Thuja 200 -- 5 drops in night(one time)
3)Jaborandi q -- 5 drops 3 times and as lotion
  pranavj on 2017-07-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may use the protocol for 15 days and report back. There are no remedies that can offer any guarantee to arrest hair fall. It is all trial and error. If you have other problems in addition to your hair loss you should incorporate all such problems in your treatment plan. If you do that you may feel better overall and it may also help your hair fall.
kadwa 7 years ago
I'm also using these medicines. Plz tell me how long should I take these medicines?
riyazahmad5 7 years ago
Dr. Kadwa
Can I use Thuja 200 daily or once in a week?
riyazahmad5 7 years ago
The remedies used in protocol will act on the whole constitution. The remedies may throw corrective symptoms and in such case the patient should not panic. He may discontinue remedies for a week or two.
kadwa 7 years ago

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