The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Loose tooth and teeth pain. Homeopathy remedy suggestions for cure and quick relief
My dad who is 59 years old suffers from loose teeth. One of his teeth was a little week from before and a couple of days back he bit really hard into a food item which was hard and it loosened two of his teeth.When he bit it the two teeth began to bleed instantly
However after that it loosened up and hangs foreward a little bit from the other teeth. If any thing touches those two teeth he suffers from immense pain and is having trouble eating.
I have given him the Nitric Acid 200 but if there is any other remedy please let me know
mayatardis on 2017-07-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may give him carbo veg-200 two times daily and Bio-Combination-18 4 tablets 4 times a day
And Staphysagria-200 every night for five days
And Staphysagria-200 every night for five days
TAHIRSM 7 years ago
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