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Baryta Carbonica:


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Epsom Salt as Antidote to Baryta Carb?? Page 3 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
When i tried to help you spurned it. There was a picture forming of next remedy while you were taking Thuja doses. I adviced you to take Thuja in water so that the next remedy's impression would have firmed up while thuja would have worked all it can.

Now you have confused the picture with a new remedy Arg. Nit. It may have been a wrong choice. Atleast earlier choice thuja was a good one. Medicines should not be taken without a sound rationale otherwise you know the consequences because you have gone through a lot in the last few years.

Again another review time. Put in all symptoms that remain and are taking your time,energy and require action(do not write like these are silicea symptoms or arg. nit symptoms instead say these symptoms came on after taking so and so remedy along with the time gap from the time of the last dosage and when the symptoms appeared and other independent symptoms).

I hope you will not waste my advice again.
maheeru 7 years ago
I cannot live in this body doctor. I was getting tired. 7 years patience. so I flip to new medicine.

Thuja was doing excellent job in the background.But my major problem is loosing self control. I have this movement in the solar plexus which I can feel it in center of brain and back.

I reiterate doctor " problem is loosing self control. I have this movement in the solar plexus(heart region) which I can feel it in center of brain and back. " to elaborate : I have this panic attacks. I get out of control. fear of out of control.

Thuja did not address this. It did not allow me to let go of my insulted experience. I waited from Oct-Dec 2017. so I jumped out. Prior to this I took Merc as you said. no change.

Then I took arg nit 200c. which addressed this problem to 75% .

The sensations in head moved to periphery ie frontal lobe and back of head and now they are slowly disappearing. Now my solar plexus region movement is in total control. I mean its soft movement.I am getting confidence inside to drive the bike. It required a degree of control.

But still the trace of that sensation is there. I dont think i reached to the end of the problem.

My current symptoms remaining:

1. whenever I concentrate I feel the sensation in solar plexus and in center of brain increase. like some rush of blood. I feel empty.simply put, while mental effort I feel those solar plexus sensations.
2.you switch on wifi and I will get out of
 control/angry,confusion too much.
3. this same out of control is seen while I am in motion. after walking sufficient distance.
4.I talk too much in myself. I think its a kind of delusion world i live in. I cannot control the talk. even in sleep i find talking inside. such talk aggravates those same sensation in solar plexus and mid brain.
4. I still cannot do penetrative sex.
5. My childhood problem of constipation returned.

I listen to my body deeply. I know I am not giving enough time for the picture to emerge.I have improved a lot thought in that aspect. I used to take 1 medicine every week and move to the next.If I would not have hurried, I would have been close to heart attack. I was ready to get to hospitals. Just one dose of thuja and so much improvement. I thanked God and then you for being with till for such a long time.

I used to describe my symptoms to doctors without referring to remedy like silicea etc. 90% of the doctors whom I met denied that baryta and silicea will not have sideeffects after 6years. so I wanted to ensure that again and again that my symptoms are proving effects only. I will report straight from now.

Sidenote: this electromagnetic radiation problem was with me even before i took baryta,silicea . I am studying terbium nitricum,terbium oxydatum and cinnabaris. I am damn sure they have something to offer especially lanthanides becuase of my independent nature.

thanks doctor for reading my long messages. You have been so kind. I tested your patience. finally we have the fruit. I am healing finally. In next 2-3 months, I will join common men.

thanks once again.

[Edited by ganapathi1 on 2018-02-08 06:31:45]
ganapathi1 7 years ago
By solar plexus do you mean pit of the stomach below the chest or you refer to the actual chest region?

Still the criticisms rankle? And has this resulted in delusion of being criticised always?

I'd advise you to stop reading on homeopathy medicines for a while. Take a break and concentrate on other interesting things. For your own sake you need to keep some discipline on taking medicines.
maheeru 7 years ago
Ya Doctor solar plexus is the point in center of stomach more towards back.

From that point to above region mainly heart and head is the region of sensation.a strong beat comes from that point.

The criticism is 75% reduced. I don't loose the control now.

In addition to left outs written last time I still have:
1 flautulence
2 being silly, childish
3 when somebody stands in front of me they get burps.

Guide me further Doctor. Just one last medicine and i will be done for life time.

Thanks for your guidance
ganapathi1 7 years ago

When symptoms arise after using remedies if they stay put for a long time they no longer are just proving symptoms, they become part of your system.

Do not know if one remedy will suffice but as long as you report right, would recommend remedy to the best of my ability.


Now take a medicine called Staphysagria 200c. First one dose dry. After that 10 days later, dissolve one pill/drop in 120ml of water. Shake the bottle a couple of times just before the dose and take one drop as a dose. Take two more doses from this bottle.

Keep me posted as you see changes.
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Doctor

Staphy was out of stock. I will take and keep you posted.

Thanks Doctor for being with me.

Excessive self talks, being silly and pain during coition are only left.
Hope staphy covers these.
ganapathi1 7 years ago
Two days gone I took it.

Those two points in brain: vertex of head , back of head are slowly taking those same sensations . too much anxiety. a type of fear generates which makes me feel like I am not in control of my body. panic attack.

I did try staphy already but it did not solve my problem some 8 months ago.

I have to be honest here I just dont want to stay in this body. it makes me feel those same sensations of waves from solar plexus to brain. If symptoms are returning so fast, what did arg nit 200c do to my body? I thought it solved the problem almost.

awaiting your guidance.
[Edited by ganapathi1 on 2018-02-16 10:26:48]
ganapathi1 7 years ago
Only after suggesting 200c i came across your another post where you already been suggested this medicine in this potency.

So try to procure 1M of this medicine. What to do with this will tell you later.

This could also be aggravation in that case we will know with betterment so we wait.
maheeru 7 years ago
Okay doctor.

I already have 1M. I have to say I feel good but unless time passes I cannot say anything.

ganapathi1 7 years ago
Ok. Have you used 1M of this remedy in the recent past?
maheeru 7 years ago
No Doctor never 1M

But I feel very good now Doctor. Really good. Spirituality strong.
Those sensations in head and solar plexus are going.. should I take 1M?
ganapathi1 7 years ago
No to any medicine/dose for a few days. Report me changes after a few days.
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

The changes happened:

No out of control behaviours.
flautulence has gone.
being sensitive to critisism has gone.

still remaining:
1. Whenever I concentrate/put mental effor, I feel those sensations in solar plexus and center of head.
while not putting any effort, I feel sensations in forehead and center of soalr plexus.
2. pain during coition

I feel my mouth is dry very often last week, i need to wet the mouth with sip of water.

I am still sensitive to those dictatorial/rash people, manipulation and imaginary fears. they shake me top to bottom but only the control of these inside me is the way of life.

[Edited by ganapathi1 on 2018-02-22 06:35:09]
ganapathi1 7 years ago
Ok let the dose act for some more time. After a week from today, you can take just one dose of Staphy. 1M. Wait for a week or so from thereafter and write the changes.
maheeru 7 years ago
okay doctor done.
ganapathi1 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

All symptoms are back. I am back to the state before I took staphy 200c.

ganapathi1 7 years ago
Ok. Not much change in earlier directions. At the most, you can advance the dose of 1M by two days.
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I am not having access to staphy 1M. Its already week gone. He gave me staphy 6c instead. shall I wait until that staphy 1M comes or take 6c one single dose?

Sorry for delay.

ganapathi1 6 years ago
You shouldn't take 6c now. Try another source to procure 1M if the current source is not satisfactory.
maheeru 6 years ago
Dear Doctor,

I am happy to share this news with you.

I finally feel connected to my soul after taking staphy.
One of the incredible result is I can tolerate electromagnetic radiation now. I dont feel anything in my solar plexus point.
I am happy for no reason.

memory is picking up so good.

Only thing is I cannot do penetrative sex still. I feel pain on the head of penis(not skin) during intercourse.

i still dont have supply of staphy 1M. I took 6c dose. I cannot wait for 15 more days for supply. sorry for that doctor. forgive me.

ganapathi1 6 years ago
You are complicating things on your own. How long do you think i can continue to guide if you do things like these? I can patiently wait for a few times but if you can not exercise discipline, i will have no option other than to stand aside.

It's important that you get 1M of this medicine. Update me once you procure it.

Now continue with 6c a few more doses not exceeding 8 doses.

Then also procure 30c of this medicine.
maheeru 6 years ago
dear doctor,

I dont want to take 6c again as I am sensitive.

I have 1M and 30c now with me.can i take it doctor?

On the second day I took 6c, I woke up from sleep like there is an emergency and went to restroom . I could not control the urination.

oN the third day, I was forced to wake up again and there was acid reflux in mouth ie food came from stomach to mouth .

adivce me further. I am sure you will make me reach my destination. and end my 8 years pain.

i do get very slight pain in prostrate region right side, after eating only. strange. Its a old symptom which I already reported.

ganapathi1 6 years ago
Don't go for 1M now, from 6c it can be a big jump.

Prepare a wet dose of 30c staphy. in 125 ml water bottle. First dose without succussions. 5 days later, succuss the bottle --meaning shake the bottle up and down for two times and take another dose. Dose will be one drop from the bottle.
maheeru 6 years ago
how many pills of 30c should I put in 125ml water bottle?

ganapathi1 6 years ago
One pill will be enough. Let's review after second dose.
[Edited by maheeru on 2018-03-27 20:51:33]
maheeru 6 years ago
Dear Doctor

I took dose as you said.

There is no change in my heart action.
Its taking 20 minutes for penus to become fully erect. It was matter of second earlier. I am scared to go further. I felt a fear that my peanus would never get up. I have desire for sex as well as libido but no blood flow down there.

This homeopathy has taken my life Doctor. Kindly advise further

ganapathi1 6 years ago

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