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Question to Dr. Antivirus (Additional information related to previous post) Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
read above message i have told for selenium 30c.
sweating and yellow spots are different for different body types people there is no medicine for these, do yoga and exercise for proper health.
0antivirus0 7 years ago
Dr. i have to report after 15 days but i want to ask one problem.
I have to appear in an interview for lectureship of physics on 17th November 2017. I am doing preparation for it but don't know why i am getting fear for it as it coming near. when i think about it or imagines interview day scenario, my heart beat fasts. this is very important for me. i have fear that i have knowledge but i will hesitate to answer interview panel. I will stammer at that day while answering the questions. Situational stammering (under pressure) is my problem since childhood. Please help me.

I am continually using all medicines as per suggestions except selenium 30c. I have not found this yet but i will get it in 2 or 3 days.

Thanking you in anticipation.
alik 7 years ago
just take allopathic Propranolol 40mg 1 hour before any anxious situation. (you can only take once in a day).
There is no homeopathic for this type of situational anxiety.
Meditation is the only cure.
0antivirus0 7 years ago
Thank you so much. Further I will report after said time.
alik 7 years ago
Reporting after 15 days.
Taken all medicines as per suggestion. Also took Selenium 30 liquid for 02 days (2 drops in one tablespoon water thrice a day).

feeling calm= yes
good sleep= Yes
proper energy level= about 50 %
self control= About 70 %
confidence level= About 75 %
freshness on waking up= About 80 %
love and affection with others= About 90 %
mental freedom or freshness= About 60 %
semen and urine problem= semen OK. urine 60 %
any other change you felt=

No relief in gland (gulti) opposite on hand palm.
After selenium i felt sour throat and flu. No relief in cold sensitivity. My eyes are getting and inside with dark eye circles day by day.

one question please, for how long i will have to take medicine?

alik 7 years ago
medicines that i have given is for your overall health gain, lost due to excessive masturbation, these are totally safe and effective.

Cold sensitivity will improve after long time. No improvement will be there for "guilty" and "dark eye circles".

yo have to keep taking these for minimum 3 months.

Report improvement after 30 days.

0antivirus0 7 years ago
Right Sir.

I have stopped selenium after 02 days.
alik 7 years ago
now keep taking it once in gap of 15 days.
only one time.
0antivirus0 7 years ago
Sir I am using medicine regularly but i have a query:

1) getting night fall continuously past 10 days. minute quantity of Semen is discharged during night fall and very thin like water.

No change in diet or any other activity.

2) improved confidence level but feeling some anxious situations in public, little bit confusing and can not decide exactly what to do or what to answer.

Kindly help, any other additional medicine with ashwaganda.

alik 7 years ago
sorry but my software is not working, will fix and reply in 1-2 days.

0antivirus0 7 years ago
no change in medicines because it will disturb everything.

1) do not worry for nightfall, let it be, it will take time to adjust

2) everybody has this type of fear, some have less some have more, do meditation.

0antivirus0 7 years ago
right sir.

thank you.
alik 7 years ago
03 months have been completed taking all medicines. 98% of my problems have been fixed and m much satisfied. specially Good sleep, nightfall and no weakness. I want to ask that should I stop medicines now?

2% problems are related to confidence and urine drops fall. I have smell from my trousers which proves that still urine drops fall. About confidence I have simultaneously taken ashwaganda and allopathic Paroxetine . As per your suggestions, i did not stop allopathic Paroxetine as i was taking from previously 10 months. i think in presence of both anti-oxidants (Paroxetine and ashwaganda, may be my confidence problem is not resolved properly.

2 questions:

1) in my opinion, i should stop all medicines till a month to observe changes, until that paroxetine course will be ended completely then ashwagnda start again. it is my just opinion, but i will do as per your suggestions.

2) due to un availability of medicine , i could not take for 3 days, will it cause problem
alik 7 years ago
sorry but i am currently traveling, i will be back in 1-2 days. stay connected i will take the case.

0antivirus0 7 years ago
No, do not stop anyone, you have to complete 1 year course without any changes, then you have to reduce it slowly otherwise symptoms will get back.

Name which medicines are you taking currently ??
0antivirus0 7 years ago
I am using shatavari, ashwaganda, and 5 phos 6x.

But from 10 days, i could not take due to un availability of medicines. i will try to re-start as soon as possible.

should i use nux vomica?

kindly recommend some other or additional medicine for confidence. i get angry early and loose my temper. did meditation but no difference. on my request, if you think good then tell me another homeo medicine for confidence. i will not stop ashwaganda as well.

alik 7 years ago
who told for nux vomica ?? have yo take selenium 30c ??
0antivirus0 7 years ago
some relative told me that it is helpful but i didnot use prior discussing you.
i m using seleniun 30 once in 15 days.
i will re-start all medicines as there is gap. Medicines un fortuntely were not available.

What about confidence and anxiety. My all focus on it.
alik 7 years ago
What should i do now?
Please guide
alik 7 years ago
keep taking shatavari, aswagandha, five pos and selenium as taking before,no other medicines,

you can continue your allopathic depression tablet on advice of allopathic doctor, there is no such medicine to increase confidence, keep your mind engaged in work is the best way to overcome anxiety.

0antivirus0 7 years ago
I will tell you color therapy tomorrow for your anxiety and confidence problem.

0antivirus0 7 years ago
Astrological Color therapy is to take 2 white transparent bottle (plastic or glass), color them with GOLDEN YELLOW color, fill them with water and keep in open sunlight, use that water for drinking.

Use this regularly for 2 months, after that you can do it only on Thursdays if you find problem to do it daily.

I can help you this much only. Your case Closed

0antivirus0 7 years ago
Thank you very much for your time, medical suggestions.
I think i have done a mistake as you have closed my case.
Patient is always impatient about treatment.


Thanks Again
alik 7 years ago
No no, you have not done any mistake, I have given you all that I could help so you just need to keep it going, your health will be fine.

0antivirus0 7 years ago
Ok. Thank you so much Dr.

Many many cordially thanks to you for your considerations. I can only have best wishes for you.

This is a very good forum.
alik 7 years ago
Dear Dr i have some problems gain.

i was regularly taking medicines ashwaganda, shatavari, 5 phos 6x and selenium once in 15 days. sudden i got problem of Shoulder impingement / rotator cuff syndrome. my right shoulder movement restricted and high fever. I temporary stopped all these medicines. i was admitted in hospital and got antibiotics. i ran away from hospital after two days. injections and medicines were very warm. mistakenly i did masturbate.
by physiotherapy, i comparatively better but still pain in right shoulder.
kindly tell some remedy.

also i am feeling much weakness and doziness in all the days. desire to much sleep. kindly tell some remedy for increasing blood level

alik 6 years ago

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