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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Testosterone, Hair Loss & Low Energy

I am a 48 year old male with following symptoms:
- noticed hair loss around my ankles and wrist with hair thinning on hand and legs, some thinning of hair around the genitals
- breasts are showing slight swelling
- low energy and overall loss of enthusiasm in physical exercise and in activities
- waking up frequently at night and need to sleep late in the morning
- bags under eyes
- terry's nail - white marks appears on nails on taking alcohol
- do not like sour taste foods
- weak liver from childhood -repeated liver enlargements during childhood
- thickened patch of skin on both knees
- high cholesterol and triglycerides since early 20's
- left toe nail is all brown and dried up
- drop in sexual desire
- no morning erections for a while now
- erections are not very firm and do not happen easily and do not stay for long - no issues with ejaculations

Thank you for your advise
[Edited by john doe1 on 2017-10-02 03:23:25]
  john doe1 on 2017-09-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1 to day 3
Phosphorus 200 twice a day.

One dose means 2 pills or 2 drops.

day 4 to day 15

Allium Sativa Q (mother tincture) 10 drops twice a day.
kadwa 7 years ago
Hello kadwa,
I am on day 10 of the treatment and do not feel or notice any significant changes. It took me a few weeks to get the right medicines. Please advise of next steps so I can order the medicines in advance.

Thank you for your advise
john doe1 7 years ago
john doe1 said Hello kadwa,
I am on day 10 of the treatment and do not feel or notice any significant changes. It took me a few weeks to get the right medicines. Please advise of next steps so I can order the medicines in advance.

Thank you for your advise
john doe1 7 years ago

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