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Need to know about the best homeopaths in Mumbai Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try dr thoufeeque, you can ask him to take your case on here for free.
simone717 7 years ago
simone717 said Try dr thoufeeque, you can ask him to take your case on here for free.

When it comes to health related issues I am not comfortable putting my life in the hands of someone doing online consultation even though it is free and suggesting what medicines I take over the internet.

I want to see a homeopath in person but it seems you cannot suggest one that is nice, friendly, reliable and affordable.

Are you doing marketing for these people and trying to give more business to them because it is really "wired" that you suggested me the most expensive homeopath I have come across till date and also who cut the phone on me.
[Edited by WitchIcono on 2017-11-30 18:12:46]
WitchIcono 7 years ago
Sorry you had a bad experience. I spent time looking at the education,
Years of experience, and read reviews of the person and if they have treated similar issues with success.This is how I choose
My own drs in USA. Of course if I call up a new dr and they are rude, quote extra fees and so on, then I do not make an appt. Perhaps post again and someone else has a good suggestion.
simone717 7 years ago
simone717 said Sorry you had a bad experience. I spent time looking at the education,
Years of experience, and read reviews of the person and if they have treated similar issues with success.This is how I choose
My own drs in USA.

I Thank You gladly for your effort to help me find a homeopath doctor here in Mumbai. I thought you are from India itself.

I very much guess it is very hard to find information about an Indian doctor whether allopathic or homeopathic over the internet
as in India there are no websites specially dedicated for it like the western world which reveal the qualifications, years of experience and other related information about all the doctors alopathic and homeopathic for each Indian city.

You can find reviews about an Indian doc here and there on websites but information like qualifications, wheter they have treated similar issues successfully is only visible and that to many times only wagely if that doc ever has his own website and here usually only the big branded docs and homoepaths have a website.

So can you please reveal how did you manage to find all this information about that Indian homeopath as he does not even have his own website.
[Edited by WitchIcono on 2017-12-01 12:37:08]
WitchIcono 7 years ago
Please do a new thread and ask others for suggestions.His biography
Is online. I will not be responding further -
Best wishes in your search.
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-12-01 16:33:16]
simone717 7 years ago
simone717 said His biography
Is online. I will not be responding further -
Best wishes in your search.

Can you please give the link or website of that biography.
[Edited by WitchIcono on 2017-12-01 17:06:05]
WitchIcono 7 years ago

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