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fear of insects , appetite decrese and desire sweets+++


In addition to the "seborheic dandruff+joint pain case" i present the case of his daughter; Father and daughter have a strong relation; daughter loves father more than mother(jealousy on mother); wants to do all the things with father(bathing, putting to sleep, etc)

Girl, 5 yo, thin built; light, thin hair, green-blue eyes like father,

Afraid of bugs, insects, bees to the point of being hysterical
Does crave for company, especially of parents; doesn't like to be be left alone for a bit; rarely she plays alone in her room; ask constantly somebody to stay with her; parents go to work and stay with nanny from 1-6 pm;

She says she feel free when swimming, bathing in the pool, sea; otherwise she feels closed; exploring further "closed" she mentioned she can not breathe, suffocates

She says she has to obey to many rules ; she wants to be independent to have her own trials and errors;
quite often she does to opposite of what is being told(eg she asks for mint bubble gum when she is taking some remedies and knows she is not allowed mint, etc); she purposely does not flush the toilette

For the last 6 months appetite decreased; she takes a few bites and says she can not eat anymore; the weith is 16.5 kg, same as the begging of the year
Constantly asking for sweets(not chocolate); for a few times she go out from the bed and go to the kitchen to steal sweets

Timid in character; very competitive; very restless, but fruitfulness; get bored very easy

Repetitive colds with high fever 39.5, cough dry and then wet and a constant mucus in the throat; with each episode she is coughing daytime only and between 5 and 6.30 am she wales up with attack of cough, paroxysmal, no vomit
After each cold a Remanent cough for another 2-3 weeks; aggravated in the morning after waking and eating;
a few episodes with otitis external and one with otitis media; no discharge

Treatment with antibiotics

At the age of 3 right sided pneumonia; UTI at age of 18 months with ecoli and proteus

Very sensitive to noises(cover ears when sudden loud noises)

Very hot, sleeps uncovered or uncovers during sleep; take clothes off like to stay naked; touching her genitals; ask to take shoes off

Like to dance, to listen to music, very imaginative

For the last 6 months she wants to be big, she wants to go to school and not to kindergarten anymore; strong feeling

Likes pasta, noodles, ice cream and sandwiches, wine; does not like eggs, onions, garlic, pepper

Weeps on scolded(does not like to be scolded+++); ask for consolation;

Smart, intelligent, like cats; suck thumb when alone and when have the pacifiers with her

Lack of thirsts for water but she likes juice a lot and cold milk

Does not like to make foul of her; gets angry and weep; when angry she may throw things towards nanny, including a knife

Aggravated by warm room better with open air;

Ask help for very small things that she can do by herself easily
She used to imagine for a short while she is a queen;
She wants to pretend we are another family and sometime she pretend to be called with different name

Does not like to share; does things in a hurry

Much appreciated your input on this case.

Kind regards
  bayard on 2017-10-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Bayard

Please give her Phosphorus 30c one pill/drop as a dose two times per day(one dose in the morning another in the evening) for three days.

Observe changes over next two weeks and then report.

If during the doses if there is a strong worsening or betterment stop with the dose and report.
maheeru 7 years ago
Hi Maheeru,

One homeopath prescribed Phosporus last summer and Calc Phos with no results.

This summer she also got prescribed Lyc LM1, LM2, 200, 1M with no effects.

It may be possible to require a "water remedy" considering she stress so much on swimming feels hers free.
I guess the sensation method can unveil the right remedy but i do now how to use it.

Happy to provide other details if required.
bayard 7 years ago
If you think water doses can help, yes you can go ahead with water doses.

Classically she has got pointers towards phos. remedy.
maheeru 7 years ago
General Note of Caution :

Prescribing the same remedy "again and again" without a result is not a classical prescription or a classical approach. Please come up with some new prescription etc

It is just an indication for presibers not "anything else"

[Edited by healer21 on 2017-10-21 05:39:37]
healer21 7 years ago

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