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Purple itching burning rash
Sex: Female Age: 40Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.
1. Describe your main suffering?
Purple rash which is itchy and burning kind. Some relief on applying cold cream. Rash would go in few days but appear randomly at same or other parts usually limbs. pinpoint spots many. skin discoloration a lot darkenened.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Some upper back and shoulder pain discomfort. Pain in eyes. Tinnitus in right ear.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
I used to panic on observing blue black blood spots. but now fear has subsided but I feel ill, poor color complexion (other members of family fair) and burning sensation even in winters give feeling of temperature intolerance. Sometimes I feel cold when I wrap up then start to feel too much warm. I am unable to sleep sometimes at night, keep on changing layers of blanket over me.
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
I feel I should get heal and I need to be reasonably good looking too.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
It was in 2005. allopathy did not helped. I knew of homeopathy but it took time to consider for thrombocytopenia. no past disease. I am sedentary working person who has started to exercise now very regularly.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Early morning (difficult to adjust cold in winters) and night.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
I follow ayurveda. I keep away from hot chilly spicy food already. I have no idea how this worsens or starts but heat is something unbearable. massage with oil helps.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
I do suffer from seasonal rhinitis whenever season changes. I think a lot, study and write. I feel when I do hard physical work it worsens but I do with breaks so that should keep body active.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
I like conditioned atmosphere, neither cold nor hot but winters are preferable than summers.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
I am very amicable person, who can talk to sort out any stuff but no annoying and agonizing behavior I can stand. I settle easily in case of any argument. I generally very relaxed happy contented person.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
curious before excited and cautious during
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
I want my near ones to understand what I am going through, be with me.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Smell in day or night. noise at night is not bearable. I fell into sleep easily but also feel disturbed easily.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
I quiz a lot. I keep on thinking various interesting views and form opinions generally leads to something practical or follow a hobby or do a home chore. walking with one's own indulgence not much affected by very immediate surrounded but able to respond if such a case.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
Unmarried. I love my parents. they are bit less on understanding but always the start and end. my sisters cousins nieces nephew everyone nice.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
sometimes I dream that I am transported to strange place and people but I am still following all habits that I do as normal person. I feel good as person but I feel it is like a game to prove oneself. No fears. I am very oriented person who files complaint if need so arises. I am not perfect but understand how the world works.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
I like everything except non vegetarian food. Normally I eat satvic diet veges dals with moderate tempering of spices.
when I crave it would something sweet or sour. occasionally chilly pungent bitter.
sometimes binge on sweet breads, nuts and fruits
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?
chilly and sour. too much sweet.
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
sweat in summers more on face hair. otherwise normal.
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
once a day. normal.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
sleep on right side. sleep comfortably if it starts. sometimes difficult till 12 p.m. and sometimes around 3 a.m. awake.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
no specific desires. it is just life is surrounded with better people. no worries no tension.
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
I am only person in my family who happens to do not any normal job but is in field of creative writing.
I check myself not to give much opinions in anything. I enjoy looking and understanding how they take their decisions.
I feel I am very civil in public.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
homeopathy suited me for minor ailments. did took ip 30c for seasonal allergy, suited well. it is usually allopathy which does not suits.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
cough, fever, freckles. fatty liver to sister, tuberculosis to two sisters.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
Appearance has worsened. color used to get good in winters but it is not so now. eyes: upper eyelids dark. darker brown with little freckles on cheeks, some pinpoint spots.
I carry myself still with much confidence. Wear new fashion thus goes well.
Please answer the following questions:
(Please give details of your past menstruation if you have attained menopause.)
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
regular. 1-2 days.
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
I like to rest during periods. I do very less work. I do not like to talk much during periods. some cramps. relief on passing stools. feel good on sleep.
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
normal and scanty. sometimes excessive.
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
both kind of.
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?
yes blood clots are present.
♥ Iardui on 2017-10-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
16.Tell your date, month, year of birth with birth place and timing for Medical Astrology
17.Describe PRAKRITI
by doing EVALUATION on visiting
NOTE-- if proper reporting will not be done by you, then i will close the case, you can take advice from others.
17.Describe PRAKRITI
by doing EVALUATION on visiting
NOTE-- if proper reporting will not be done by you, then i will close the case, you can take advice from others.
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
date of birth
11 March 1977
time of birth 9:30 p.m.
prakriti test
vata 24
pitta 55
kapha 21
predominant dosha pitta
11 March 1977
time of birth 9:30 p.m.
prakriti test
vata 24
pitta 55
kapha 21
predominant dosha pitta
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
I am also worried about future because in past when I required to undergo right ear surgery doctors were not ready due to low platelet count.
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
take RANUCULUS BULBOSUS 30c liquid, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, 3 times a day for 2 days,
{if buying pills then 3 pills, 3 times 2 days, chew it, do not swallow with water}
do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
eye pain=
shoulder pain=
any other change you felt=
Astrological Colour therapy is to take 2 white transparent bottle (plastic or glass), colour them with yellow colour, fill them with water and keep in open sunlight, use that water for drinking.
{if buying pills then 3 pills, 3 times 2 days, chew it, do not swallow with water}
do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
eye pain=
shoulder pain=
any other change you felt=
Astrological Colour therapy is to take 2 white transparent bottle (plastic or glass), colour them with yellow colour, fill them with water and keep in open sunlight, use that water for drinking.
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
Doctor, since I started this treatment there has been lot of itching and burning especially in limbs. My disposition towards family has become demanding and angrier. Sleep gets disturbed at around 12:30 and after an itching and burning episode I finally go back to sleep. I feel being energetic and able to practice a good amount of control. I feel congested in brain though I have now better clarity about my work. Back pain is quite resolved. I feel very hungry than in past. Confidence: I feel now good at choices but unsure where future might be than in past I had lot of determination.
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
Back pain or soreness was gone but I saw a hospital doctor for some spine and shoulder discomfort. I am told I have cervical spondylosis. suggested physiotherapy and medicines such as Pantop, pregabolin, zerodol.
I have not started on these medications yet but started exercises.
Can I be on these medications.
I have not started on these medications yet but started exercises.
Can I be on these medications.
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
I am recovering from pain very nicely but I have started to get these sleepy spells after long time. I would fall to sleep with eye or neck exercises and with general exercises feeling to be sleepy. During day after noon I am now getting these spells for last two days while seated. I never wish to sleep but want nap after 2 pm and feel like I am tiring to actively work (read) and with great effort I put a marker on words too and go to sleep and wake up as such. I no longer feel the need to take nap but these sleepy spells are so bad.
Do I need to be on above medications? Is this part of cervical spondylosis. My back, neck and shoulder pain is quite resolving with exercise only.
Do I need to be on above medications? Is this part of cervical spondylosis. My back, neck and shoulder pain is quite resolving with exercise only.
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
I too have c8 cervical radiculopahty. as my doctor told me it is radiating to right arm. it is painful near and numbing little finger as I felt after doing physiotherapy exercises. I think I am not understanding gravity of it. Kindly see if my treatment is good.
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
if body is wanting sleep give it, proper rest is necessary for cure. if you are getting improvement with exercises have minimum use of allopathic medication.
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
eye pain=
shoulder pain=
any other change you felt=
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
eye pain=
shoulder pain=
any other change you felt=
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
Feeling calm: yes
good sleep: no
proper energy level : yes
self control : yes, improved
confidence level : improved great deal
freshness on waking up : yes but with fear of sprains
love and affection with others: improving
mental freedom or freshness : much better, less agitated, less perplexed
itching: earlier increased now lesser but significant on hands where reddish rash appears
burning : pronounced on hands and mild on thighs
eye pain : very improved than past.
shoulder pain : not present
other changes: hunger increased, feel pain in upper stomach relieve on eating.
lot of pain in neck to spine, arms and fingers painful some days, fingers sometimes go numb at night from sleeping at sides. pain near both scapulas on back. Doing exercises. took pregacip medicine for a week.
appearance of reddish rash at hands but reduced at other parts (blue purple).
Feeling calm: yes
good sleep: no
proper energy level : yes
self control : yes, improved
confidence level : improved great deal
freshness on waking up : yes but with fear of sprains
love and affection with others: improving
mental freedom or freshness : much better, less agitated, less perplexed
itching: earlier increased now lesser but significant on hands where reddish rash appears
burning : pronounced on hands and mild on thighs
eye pain : very improved than past.
shoulder pain : not present
other changes: hunger increased, feel pain in upper stomach relieve on eating.
lot of pain in neck to spine, arms and fingers painful some days, fingers sometimes go numb at night from sleeping at sides. pain near both scapulas on back. Doing exercises. took pregacip medicine for a week.
appearance of reddish rash at hands but reduced at other parts (blue purple).
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
ok.I hope you are doing colour therapy as told ??
when you took the homeopathic dose.
when you took the homeopathic dose.
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
improvement is good, you have so much chronic problem but then also body has started healing at good rate. keep doing colour therapy and from now take that homeopathic remedy once(single dose) at gap of every 15 days. start from today.
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
eye pain=
shoulder pain=
any other change you felt=
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
eye pain=
shoulder pain=
any other change you felt=
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
Thanks. I will start today.
I would like to inform that my back and shoulder pain is significantly less due to physiotherapy. I had above shoulder level hunched posture and habit of downward neck tilt which is now improving.
I would like to inform that my back and shoulder pain is significantly less due to physiotherapy. I had above shoulder level hunched posture and habit of downward neck tilt which is now improving.
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
Season Greetings
Here is my report:
feeling calm= yes
good sleep= yes
proper energy level= yes
self control= yes
confidence level= yes
freshness on waking up= a little later
love and affection with others= Feels I have closed my heart and express in some certainty
mental freedom or freshness= yes
itching= cured
burning= cured
eye pain= a little in early morning
shoulder pain= cured
any other change you felt= face and hands darkened.
Here is my report:
feeling calm= yes
good sleep= yes
proper energy level= yes
self control= yes
confidence level= yes
freshness on waking up= a little later
love and affection with others= Feels I have closed my heart and express in some certainty
mental freedom or freshness= yes
itching= cured
burning= cured
eye pain= a little in early morning
shoulder pain= cured
any other change you felt= face and hands darkened.
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
Also my neck and back pain is completely resolved. I have mild pain in rt. shoulder at back but it is improving with exercise in cold environment too.
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
please email me your tongue only image at my email.
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♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
updating on some symptoms.
I had some stomach discomfort (burping, uneasiness and flatulence) for last few days but now it is quite resolved.
I have as symptoms pinpoint marks appearing on face and limbs.
otherwise hand and feet cold.
I am getting good sleep at night and feel very refreshed in morning plus no eye pain at all. Sometimes I feel I am thinking so much that eyes are too strained.
I have certain facial weakness (skin deep is sagging as compared to left) on right side of face. I am also recovering from neck pain which is radiating towards right.
There is overall lot of recovery that I feel almost recovered.
I had some stomach discomfort (burping, uneasiness and flatulence) for last few days but now it is quite resolved.
I have as symptoms pinpoint marks appearing on face and limbs.
otherwise hand and feet cold.
I am getting good sleep at night and feel very refreshed in morning plus no eye pain at all. Sometimes I feel I am thinking so much that eyes are too strained.
I have certain facial weakness (skin deep is sagging as compared to left) on right side of face. I am also recovering from neck pain which is radiating towards right.
There is overall lot of recovery that I feel almost recovered.
♡ Iardui 7 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.