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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Left eye stye,

I have a stye that has been hanging on,maybe 4 months, it does occaisionally drain but fills quickly. Several times there have been white hard gritty pieces in my eye in he morning. The grit cannot be smashed between my nails. The stye drains nearly everyday. Today thought there was another white pus spot next to the other red spot ( it has not had a white spot for several months. These are in my lash line. I have used colloidal Sliver to help with infection, I also used Frankincense oil around my eye. Also a small boil or pimple showed on the bridge of my nose and drained for several days, at first whitish think pus, small amount, then clear. It is still red, and crusts over. It has been 2 weeks.
The stye has never been very painful, just annoying.
When I look at the inside of the eye lid where the bump is it looks as if there maybe a drain hole there it is hard for me to tell. Just looks indented as if it were where the stye drains into my eye.
I think some of this maybe emotional. I own my business which is small, only me. I am a horticulturist and do detail landscaping for clients.
I am very busy and have shoulder pain , trigger finger in my right ring finger. I would love to retire but I can't for awhile.
My Dad passed away just before I got this stye also.
Anyhow I took some Silicea 15. That is what I had.
I am 53, 5'8" medium build, post menapausal. Grey hair. I eat well for the most part but seem drawn to sugary things when stressed. I don't eat much bread or grains, I do not care for much fruit. I will eat apples and pears and bananas. I like vegetables. And I do eat most kinds of meat.
Thank you for any help
  Blkwhtbc on 2017-10-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pulsatilla 30 and Staphysagria 30 may help. You may take at a time or one by one.
kadwa 7 years ago
Great thank you so much I will follow up. I have both of those.
Blkwhtbc 7 years ago

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