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Homeopath doesn't tell the name of remedies!

My homeopath labels my remedies as 'loose cough' 'dry cough', 'fever'', 'breathing problems', and other symptoms.
I'm supposed to take the remedies according to my symptoms.
Sometimes I would prefer to know the names so that i could read on it and decide if it really is suitable for my current symptoms.
But She seems to not want to tell me the names of the remedies.
Why is that so?
Is this some kind of homeopathic approach?
  namn on 2017-11-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Some homeopaths think the patient is going to look up materia medica of....fill name of med.

Then they think that patient reports will be not totally true because
They read about remedy symptoms and their
Description of reactions will not be "pure".

Also , since many do not understand homeopathy well,
And think a remedy is"them" like they are a
Astrological sign??
Patients get upset and will not take .. say lachesis(snake)
Or arsenicum(poison) as it upsets their self image. People will
Argue and say things like I am "gold"(aurum)
Or I am a flower remedy, etc.

No one is a remedy- the remedy is medicine to boost the life force
Because it is similar to the disease symptoms.
The body will not allow the diluted remedy because the body will not accept two similar things. The body boosts life force to get rid of remedy and matching imbalance at same time.

I believe one should KNOW what you are putting into your body-
And if you want a second opinion you need to know !
I advise people to stay away from those who will not tell you- find someone who will.

As far as being suitable after you read up?
Even homeopaths go to other homeopaths as it is almost impossible to see yourself and symptoms in a neutral way. There are Over 5000 remedies- the reason they choose a remedy could have to do
With a never well since.... issue or you could have
A strange, rare symptom that is ONLY in one remedy and when that happens it should be given. You do not know how to
Decide what is important and what is not.
Better to get a second opinion than self prescribe for Chronic issues.
You can get good results on acute issues using the Remedy Finder on this site.
[Edited by simone717 on 2017-11-08 14:45:54]
simone717 7 years ago

What simone717 says is one important reason. Other reasons are: to stop reckless self prescription(reckless self prescription can lead to medicine induced symptoms and suppression and or making the case complex and untreatable) and last is business interest.

In homeopathy, the most widely and actively used medicines for 99% of complaints would only number around three dozen and the knowledge about these names would affect the business interest of some homeopaths. This habit **Not Revealing med. name** is prevalent in south asian countries. But this habit is there in other places also. This habit also exists in other alternative therapies.

But it's important for a sane and a reasonable patient to understand what medicine he/she is taking for multiple reasons. So yes if h'path can not reveal the medicine, then switch to another one who is transparent about this.
maheeru 7 years ago
I apologize for not replying sooner.
Thank you simon and maheeru for your explanation.
I do agree I should know what is being put in my body.
Will ask her next time, if not yes maybe it’s about time to change to another homeopath.
namn 7 years ago
concerning face to face patient /prescriber med labeling...a qualified prescriber wil not reveal med to patient for hahnemann tells in organon 6th ed.. the use of placebo (paragraphs 91,281...inferred in paragraph 96) and why use is vailuable..
once read we see the inference ..if a medicine was labeled pacebo it would be useless for the reason is explained (in above paragraphs 91,281) .
a real homoeopath knows his genuine concern and only concern is paragragh 1 organon
" the physician's highest and only calling is to make the sick healthy,to cure,as it is called"
from this we can glean ...not to appease the patient's scrutiny and doubts and needs to know
meds names ..remeber th epatient came to the homoeopath ..if does not trust then do not use that homoeopath..yet mistrust is a symptom ....
i do not know your homoepath , (and i take it this was a face to face visit bewtween u and her) yet if prescribed more than one med to take in various moments of symptomology ,then already i know she does not practise true homoeopathy as laid down by founder (hahnemann)....but to th epoint of topic she did no wrong in not telling med..for the face to fac evisits ..a placebo for the true worker of health is a vital tool..
and as far as u needing to know so u can double check then already it tells much of ur mental symptomology..if u can just think..u choose her she tells u and then u mistrust..
anyway i advise u read organon ..6th ...study in fcat and then u wil be educated in deciding if ur med is correct or not..just looking up in condensed materia medic ..or better stil if u actually take time read materia medica pure...without knowledge of organon is useless....and practise practise ,practise....with continuous study ,thought ,keen obsevation
John Stanton 7 years ago
You must place yourself as a patient with some doctor and have faith in him. Aim is to get well. The lesser you know the better as a pt.
jawahar 6 years ago

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