The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hello 0antivirus0 Would you please take my case. regards Page 2 of 2
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am currently Out of station, so sorry for being late, please wait will reply in 1-2 days.
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
spinal stenosis 7 years ago
spinal stenosis 7 years ago
spinal stenosis said spinal stenosis said Thank you.
yes i can arrange these herbs. Please advise the course of action.
kinds regards
yes i can arrange these herbs. Please advise the course of action.
kinds regards
spinal stenosis 7 years ago
take 1 spoon SHATAVARI with 1 cup warm milk at morning and
1 spoon TRIPHALA with 1 cup warm milk at night, DAILY
do not eat or drink anything 15 minutes before and after medicine,
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
lumbar pain=
leg pain=
any other change you felt=
[Edited by 0antivirus0 on 2018-02-15 11:06:52]
take 1 spoon SHATAVARI with 1 cup warm milk at morning and
1 spoon TRIPHALA with 1 cup warm milk at night, DAILY
do not eat or drink anything 15 minutes before and after medicine,
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
lumbar pain=
leg pain=
any other change you felt=
[Edited by 0antivirus0 on 2018-02-15 11:06:52]
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
Please see the report. Thank you
feeling calm= Yes
good sleep= Yes
proper energy level= yes
self control= yes
confidence level= yes
freshness on waking up= yes
love and affection with others= No
mental freedom or freshness= No
lumbar pain= No pain
leg pain= No pain
stiffness= Improved.
any other change you felt= I have started to build up gas in my stomach feels wobbly after eating. Also, my back feels light after using the toilet.
Kind regards
[Edited by spinal stenosis on 2018-03-12 16:45:20]
feeling calm= Yes
good sleep= Yes
proper energy level= yes
self control= yes
confidence level= yes
freshness on waking up= yes
love and affection with others= No
mental freedom or freshness= No
lumbar pain= No pain
leg pain= No pain
stiffness= Improved.
any other change you felt= I have started to build up gas in my stomach feels wobbly after eating. Also, my back feels light after using the toilet.
Kind regards
[Edited by spinal stenosis on 2018-03-12 16:45:20]
spinal stenosis 7 years ago
My diet plan is breakfast (chapati with eggs). Milk and juices in the afternoon and chapapti with vegitables/meat(curry) etc. I only used your prescribed medication. Nothing else. Thank you for your help.
spinal stenosis 6 years ago
spinal stenosis 6 years ago
Keep doing other things sames,
take another single dose of RHUS TOX 200C and report in same above format after 20 days.
take another single dose of RHUS TOX 200C and report in same above format after 20 days.
♡ 0antivirus0 6 years ago
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