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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr. Akshaymohl , Antivirus , kadwa need urgent help....

my sister is 8.5 month pregnant first baby was died after 4 days of ceasar operation in Aug-14, now again doctor told for operation because baby still did not come down and cervix also did not dilate below are case link but now healer1 has no idea please help...

she is taking below medicines.

Rhustox 1M (2 dose before 4 days ago)
Cimicifuga 200(taking weekly)
Coulyphylum 200 (taking daily)
Five phose 6x (taking daily)

  mariz on 2017-11-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please reply sir its urgent...
mariz 7 years ago
While you wait for others you can give her Gelsemium 200c two to three times a day for three days.

In addition or if this does not help immediately, along with this take Kali phos and Mag. phos 6x combined three to four times a day.

While you are taking this do not mix other medicines.

It seems it's not time yet.
[Edited by maheeru on 2017-11-29 05:56:53]
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Maheeru,

Please take this case.

Currently she is taking below medicines.

1. Natrum Mur 30c (3 times a day for low amniotic fluid)
2. Cimicifuga 200(taking weekly)
3. Coulyphylum 200 (taking daily)
4. Five phose 6x (taking daily)
5. Kali Phos 30c (daily 3 times a day)

Her 9 month will complete on 6th December.

Please Advice.
mariz 7 years ago

Yes the natural cycle of dilation of cervix may take time. This cycle kicks in around 280th day. Sometimes this can go up to 290 days of pregnancy. I think 8.5 months is short of 280 days. Is there any emergency for scheduling the C section on Dec. 1?

We have to race against time and also symptoms won't be clear when using multiple medicines. But let us give a try.

Write about her pregnancy issues, current symptoms, her emotional, personality and mental symptoms if any. Then add general symptoms like hunger, thirst, sweat, sleep, her climate preference, any worsening or bettering factors.
maheeru 7 years ago
Thanks for reply!

Gynecologist saying that your first baby was delivered by C Section and this time may be scar rupture during labor so we will not take risk and also baby still did not come down this is only reason for C section but now she is ready to wait up to 9th month i.e. 6th Dec.

1. There is no pregnancy issue everything is ok only in last report doctor found decrease in amniotic fluid for this she is taking nat. mur 30c 3 times a day.

2.she is happy only she thinks what happened of her delivery normal or operation, she cry very soon, she feels hunger and thirst, no sweat, sleep is good, her climate preference is hot weather, constipation problem, she feels hot in body, now she has swollen vein of the anal, after seating long time she feels tightness and after eating fish she feels itching otherwise no blood, no pain and no burning.

Please advice.
mariz 7 years ago
Please write down anything you might have missed.

Does she have cravings/aversions to any food or any other item?

Any symptom that was not there pre pregnancy but available during pregnancy?

What is this swollen vein in anal?

since when these remedies are being taken?
maheeru 7 years ago
Please write down anything you might have missed.

Does she have cravings/aversions to any food or any other item?
Ans: she has cravings to fried and spicy item and aversion to sweet item now a days.

Any symptom that was not there pre pregnancy but available during pregnancy?

Ans: constipation, piles.

What is this swollen vein in anal?

Ans: i think it is piles.

since when these remedies are being taken?

1. Nat. Mur 30c (taking since 3 days)
2. Cimicifuga 200 (weekly since 2.5 months)
3. Coulyphylum 200 (since 20 days daily 5 drops)
4. Five phose 6x (since 23 days taking daily)she has been taking this from 1st month of pregnancy then stop in 7th month now again start.
5. Kali Phos 30c ( since 5 days)
mariz 7 years ago
please reply...
mariz 7 years ago
Ok mariz.

Stop other homeopathic medicines for the time being.

Continue with Pulsatilla 200c alone. One pill/drop two times a day for four days.

Additionally tissue salts Nat. mur 6x two pills thrice a day can be given.

Observe changes and post.
maheeru 7 years ago
Before she has taken Pulsatilla 1m two times, 1 dose before 15 days ago and 1 dose before 1.5 month go.

shall i give her your prescribed medicine now?
mariz 7 years ago
Yes you may go ahead.
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Maheeru,

from today she has started taking both medicines and today we have done ultrasonugraphy too, below are points for your information.

1. AFI is 6.3
2. Scar thickness is 6.2 mm
3. Fetal heart rate 127 BTS. MIN
4. Cephalic Presentation
5. Cervical Length is 23 mm.
6. A single loop of cord around neck noted during present study.
mariz 7 years ago
Please reply....

Doctor saying that loop around of neck is dangerous for baby and we have to go for c section within 2 days.
mariz 7 years ago
Loop cord around the neck is not as risky as it is made out to be. Unless there are knots in loop cord-----natural delivery can happen safely. 27 out of 100 babies that are delivered naturally have cord around their necks.

Increase the dosage of Puls. 200 to four times a day for next two days. Also keep Kali sulph. 200 in hand.

If they indeed go for C Sec., use Arnica and Hypericum after the C Sec. for few days.
maheeru 7 years ago
We dont want C Sec. today we will consult with other gynecologist and will update to you.

should we also increase dose of Nat Mur 6x because water level is still under normal range.

did you see above reports points.
mariz 7 years ago
Today we have consulted to other doctor and she also told for C Section because water level going down, we will go tomorrow for operations please advise some medicines for pain and fast recovery....
mariz 7 years ago
Sorry about the delay. If C sec is not conducted till now, you can move to K. sulph. 200 and can increase nat. mur 6x.

If C sec has been conducted then use Arnica and Hypericum in 200c. One pill/drop as a dose and use them three to four times a day for a week or so. If there is any complication report so that a suitable medicine can be suggested.
maheeru 7 years ago
yes C section has been conducted and she is already using Arnica 30c and today i will give her Hypericum 200 as per your advised.
mariz 7 years ago

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