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side effects of tubwrculinum

i gave tuberculinum 10m 2 weeks ago.h
my son has tonsilitys andcold.e suffers frequently in throt choked.pai ontoncils also .after giving tub.10m i am seing that he has attacked by skin prob,like skabis.
i am frightened now.plz help.
  sultana1 on 2017-11-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is very brave of you to give such a high potency. It is better to wait and watch as this could be the result of elimination, which is likely a positive trend.
Reva V 7 years ago
If he really has scabies they are real living bugs.
This would not be from giving medicine. They have to be treated differently.
10 m dose can last for many months- I would not self prescribe anything else for your child- best to have a real homeopath give advice.
simone717 7 years ago

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