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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Urgent help! Sticky Leucorrhoea

I'm single female 36, I've restarted sticky,leucorrhoea again. It has smell and very sticky like glue.

Whenever I drink milk or milk products like coffee, ice cream the problem get worse. Also bY spicy food.

The discharge mostly occurs before urination or passing stool.

Some doctor previously suggested Merc sol 30 and it was very effective. And it relived me from my problem for many months.

Also I'm having painful acne on face with pus. Acne are red and itchy.
  Meera1 on 2018-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you can wait for 2 days I shall have studied your problem and will help.
jawahar 7 years ago
Color, amount, menses relation, weakness, pains etc. Please be more precise if you can.
jawahar 7 years ago

Color is milky white to little bit yellow.

It's sticky and mucous like.

It gets to my thighs.

Very strong smell like curd.

Usually discharge before urination and stool pass.

I start to discharge if I eat food particularly hot coffee and milk.

Previous medicine:

I took sepia various potency but temporary relieve.

I took Merc sol 30 and it was very effective for 7-8 months.


Menses are regular.

For the last 7-8 months appears before 1 day of due date.

First day is very painful. Pain is mostly on thighs and thigh joints to abdomen.pelvic region.

Discharge is normal.

Blood color starts as dark color to red in last day.

Last for 6 days.


Acne are very painful to touch and itchy.

Mostly occurs on jawline and chin.

Color is reddish brown. Sometimes with pus.

Also acne occurs after I apply makeup.

Previous medicine:
I took sulphur 1000 some 10 years ago it was very helpful.

And recently I took berb aquifolium 30 and Q but no use.
Meera1 7 years ago
Also get vertigo during menses.
Meera1 7 years ago
Previous medicine for menses:

I took pulsatila 200 and gossipyium Q together and menses are regular from that day.
Meera1 7 years ago
I don't know why my reply didn't get through. I replied yesterday.


Color is milky white to little yellowish. Mucous like. Sticky like glue to cloths.

Amount: it get down till my thighs. And hangs during urination.

Discharge usually occurs before need of urination and stool.


Menses are regular. Usually one day before due date from last 7 months after I took pulsatila and gossipyium Q together.

Previously they got delayed till I take Pulsatila in any potency.

First day is very painful. Feet get COLD.

If I take sepia symptoms of pain get better.

Vertigo during menses.


Acne are very hard. Some with pus. Leave dark marks.

Very painful to touch and itching.

Mostly on jawline and chin. Appear also after cosmetic use.


Breast are sagging and lose firmness.

They were very firm before.
Meera1 7 years ago
Leuchorrea always occurs if I take milk or hot food even once.

Acne also occurs if I take eggs, milk sugar junk food. Use of makeup

Previous medicine:

For leucorrhoea I used to take sepia but temporary relive.

For leucorrhoea also took Merc sol 30 and ws very effective.

For acne: took sulphur 1000 ten years ago was very effective but at that time acne was all over face. Now acne few acne on cheeks and mostly on jawline.

Few months back took berberis aquifolium 30 and Q but not effective.

For menses: took pulsatila 200 and gossipiuym Q was effective.
Meera1 7 years ago
My apologies for delay.
Please start with NATPHOS 6X, 4 tabs four times a day. Please report after one week. I will try to be more regular. You can reach me thro' my mail given in my profile.
jawahar 7 years ago
we'll deal with acne etc as we go along.
jawahar 7 years ago
I don't have Leuchorrea now. As I read somewhere that sometimes a women can get sticky discharge during luteal period.

I'm female 34, single, my problem is my breasts have lost volume and firmness and I feel no breast.
They used to be very firm and hard.

This thing is destroying my peace of mind as I'm not married.

I think maybe it's due to excercise and leucorrhoea I used to had.

Now I don't have any leucorrhoea.

I also get big hard painful acne with pus on my jawline. I also have facial hair problem for a longtime.

I have lots of dandruff in my head.

My periods are regular.
Meera1 7 years ago
Did you see my mail?
jawahar 7 years ago

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