The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chronic painful urticaria eruptions
Am Pradeep from Bangalore. my age is 30. having painful urticaria generating at scalp neck behind ears.they transient from back to front and downwards to chest painful around heart.Firstly itching on face,neck,behind ears and scalp.eruptions generate s from hair on scalp n from Beard also aggressive to cool weather.wn they reached to neck part, it's very non bearable
plunging pain leads to nausea,vomit sensation, dizzines and blurred vision. want to do suiside.At neck part nerves will pain neuralgia,neck muscle s I'll be painful leads to Trembling. they raising every season they formed to suppressed eruptionssome times non eruptive.some times they generate at back side. Earlier entire body having these eruptions. Wn it comes to neck par I have taken 2 years treatment under homeopath.some wt better
His prescription as follows
Graphite';s pentarkan
Formula d bakson
Nat mur
Other medications
With this medication some wt better.symptoms not curing permanently
Then started self medication like sulph 200, graphites, urtica urns, silicea 30, rhus tox 200,pulsatilla,nat this medication also not cured permanently.
Finally I used psorinum 200 for 10 days. with this medication I got's better for 25 days of time.After that started again same symptoms repeating.
Aggregated to rhus tox, pulsatilla and causticum
I was having these symptoms from 15 years of my age.Up to my 25th age it's come at winter season after that its continuously same symptoms at every season
I believe God I pray God asking for healing.consulted many doctors but no permanent cure.
I requesting u to pls tell the suitable Constitutional remedy for urticarial rashes for above symptoms.I think it's better with psorinum. if it's suitable to me pls suggest Constitutional dosage please
chpradeep on 2018-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you have not taken psorinum 1M potency..please take 3pills or 1deop of it in half glass water only once.not daily .no other remeedies internally.
Apply psoralia oil by mixing with coconut oil externally when itching become intolerable..
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my email id : drthoufeequebhms at
Apply psoralia oil by mixing with coconut oil externally when itching become intolerable..
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my email id : drthoufeequebhms at
♡ drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
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