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Sudden hearing loss both ears but worse on the left side

A day before taking an exam I suddenly couldn’t balance very well after my morning coffee and had to spend the day in the bed feeling dizzy and nauseous. My ears felt plugged and couldn’t hear very well two days before my balance episode. Ti I got referral to a ENT specialist who said no ear infection present. CT scan is scheduled as the doctor see it as vascular issue. Hearing test shows 50% down for left year and 70 for right. I can hear myself chewing on the left . No pain just discomfort.No tinitus
I have been self prescribing homeopathy for many years and just before my hearing loss was doing detox.
[Edited by Ellie1 on 2018-01-17 00:59:45]
  Ellie1 on 2018-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what was envolved with the detox?
John Stanton 7 years ago
I did pascoe whole body cleanse 20 drops each bottle as I was feeling sluggish after a flu or what I think was flu.
For the balance issues and plugged ear I did gelsemium 30ch and seems like they helped. My hearing improves late evenings and I have not had balance issues
Ellie1 7 years ago
are you fine now?
John Stanton 7 years ago
My left ear feels plugged and hearing is under water mutted My job requires a lot of communication and I feel hard to follow what ppl are saying. It gets better in the evenings. No balance issues or dizziness. Having hard time to concentrate and I have to be able to as I have new job.My biggest concern is that it can be vascular and I am at risk of getting stoke or sth.The ENT specialist prefers to wait for the CT scan but I have a feeling right homeopathic remedy will help me to have my hearing back.
Please help me with the hearing .
I am in my 50, very active , vegan and overall healthy but always have had issues with blood circulation clod hands and feet, poor short term memory for names and dates and what I just did. Frequent ear infections in the past. Physical symptoms mainly on the left.
Ellie1 7 years ago
"better in evenings" ... what circumstances ..etc are different when worse compare dto when better in evening..? body position?stress / ...etc
looking for coinciding factors ..envolving when better and when worse..
John Stanton 7 years ago
When I get up the hearing is worse but then slowly improves and late evening is when I am like before true hearing loss . In general mornings have always been challenging for me and evenings is when I feel the best. I think day to day stress
Ellie1 7 years ago
what changes in tolerance of cold or heat has occurred since thi sbegan after detox?

worse when "get up"...is this only after you hav erisen from bed?or if lay in bed and just woken?
John Stanton 7 years ago
Hello and thanks very much for your reply and the questions.
I have not noticed any change re my tolerance to heat and cold . Worse when I get up definitely. And then slowly improves during the day. Before the incident I liked to have strong coffee to pick me up but now I am afraid to have any coffee and have tea instead.
Ellie1 7 years ago
what meds /herbs/supplements /lotions /skin topicals /vitamins...etc etc you currently using?reasons?
John Stanton 7 years ago
Currently I am using v12 and vit D on reg basis emerg VitC when I feel like getting sick . I do use lotions and creams I ha e been using for last 2 years no change Lancôme and Lis Waiter.
Ellie1 7 years ago
what exact reasons for using lotions and cremesz on skin?
what is health history concerning skin ailments and treaments?
John Stanton 7 years ago
Interesting...I have always had dry skin face and body and as far as I remember I have been using body lotions. The heels are very dry and often cracked them painful worse when the weather is cold okay summer time. Facial cream is anti-aging to look better and younger as I have younger kid and don’t want to be different from parents of her classmates.
To mention I had scaby as kid feel embarrassed even to mentioned. I have taken Psorinum for this.
Some skin mole in the past and now some red spots c on upper part of my body .
Other than that no itchi skin rashes etc.
Ellie1 7 years ago
ok skin coverings of any kind will effect health as well as any med that is meant to act deeply .as well bring symptoms in other areas of out due to suppressive nature.treat from inside out .avoid all use is my strong suggestion.

single dose nux vomica 30c
1 pellet in 4 oz water stir
1 teaspoon dose
dicard th erest...
take dose before bed tonight
no eating or drinking (anything but water) 2 hours before dose and not after til morning..

no alcohol ,no caffeine in any form (coffee,teas,colas...etc)
no acidic foods and drinks
no skin coverings at all (as mentioned above)

keep eye on any changes..new symptoms arising,return of old...etc
John Stanton 7 years ago
Thank you very much
I have taken one dose last night and this morning I feel a bit better in regards of my morning state ... feel more rested. I will be avoiding caffeine and alcohol as per your advise. My hearing improves very slowly. I will be waiting for the scan and also have my thyroid gland checked.
What would be the conditions to repeat Nux Vomica ?
Ellie1 7 years ago
no repeat untl access symptomology ..from that point decide what med or ?? keep log of current symptoms and details and relate as see it...
John Stanton 7 years ago

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