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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

urgent help baby diarrhea

My 18 months old daughter has diarrhea since 6 days, she has daily 5 to 6 watery stool, we have consulted a homeopath and he has given medicines but no result also taking antibiotics.

1. Daily 5 to 6 watery stool since 6 days.
2. yellow and undigested stool with odor.
3. she is thirsty.
4. feeling some discomfort during sleep.
5. light fever
6. stool test done and found fat globules and pus cells 10-15.
7. no pain during stool
8. dont want to eat anything and irritate.

please help...
  mariz on 2018-01-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

MY EMAIL : drthoufeequebhms at gmail.com
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Thank you for reply.

Should we stop medicines which homeopath doctor has given?
mariz 7 years ago
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
If it's viral gastro-enteritis, it can last up to a week, sometimes two weeks.

Don't worry and give her white rice, apple sauce, ripe bananas and khichdi if you can.

Stop all dairy products except yogurt.

No chocolates, biscuits, no fruits or vegetables (except applesauce and bananas).

You can also try plain yogurt mixed with one tablespoon of isapgol (psyllium husk) twice a day.
[Edited by syria on 2018-01-19 14:45:51]
syria 7 years ago
I just wanted to concur. As all doctors know. Viral gastro-enteritis can last up to two weeks. As long as you make sure that your baby is well hydrated and follows the diet that syria has indicated, the condition should resolve itself. I generally do not recommend any remedy unless your baby is dehydrated and is not getting any nutrition. A lot of acute conditions will simply resolve themselves and not require any medication allopathic or homeopathic.
hammadmd 7 years ago
Sorry, I forgot to mention, in the US we use the BRATY diet.

B = Bananas
R = Rice
A = Applesauce
T = Dry Toast
Y = Yogurt

This is the same diet as syria is suggesting.
hammadmd 7 years ago
Indeed hammadmd.

Like my own case, I caught hepatitis A in may 2017 and it's the form of hepatitis which is acute and resolves on its own in 100% of the patients in 2 months max.

I took homeopathy, and I believe I was advised either the wrong remedies, or the homeopath advised too many remedies and I believe too many remedies spoilt my case.

My specialist insisted that the A form of hepatitis is an acute form and NO medicine is needed in allopathy (and homeopathy but he doesn't believe in homeopathy).

My case has been going on for 8 months and my liver enzymes are still slighly elevated in my blood reports. I believe the wrong remedies prolonged my case for nothing.

So in a nutshell, let your baby's body do its work, and follow the BRATY diet advised by hammadmd.
syria 7 years ago
Thanks for your concurrence.
hammadmd 7 years ago
Thank you for advice syria and hammadmd.

today is 8th day since she has diarrhea, yes we are giving her yogurt, banana, rice water, daal water, and also electrolyte and mother milk. we have stopped all other foods but this is second time diarrhea in a month, during first diarrhea we had hospitalized to her due to dehydration. pediatrician told to us after her stool test that this happened due infection fat globules and pus cells in stool and he has prescribed antibiotics.

drthoufeequebhms as per prescribed NUX Vomica 200 we have started since yesterday at 1 pm and after that she has 2 stools till now first stool was not watery but second was some water but still undigested food we will stop medicine today at 1 pm, one more thing she is not sleeping well whole night, crying, restless whole night, vomiting we are giving medicines for vomiting.

Please advice.
[Edited by mariz on 2018-01-20 10:53:02]
mariz 7 years ago
You can try calc.fluor 30c .. 2 drops three times a day for two days only. In a separate disposable spoon with some water in it. In case If nothing works ..

Also at night you can apply some oil at and inside her anus .. to reduce itching. Due to a lot of acidic diarrhoea it happens and make sleep discomfort at night.

Moreover give the baby ORS .. in order to prevent dehydration.

And I I'm sure that before this condition you gave her a lot of sugary foods or products .. no matter for only one day etc ..
[Edited by healer21 on 2018-01-20 05:31:54]
healer21 7 years ago
please reply drthoufeequebhms now daily 2 to 3 stool but less watery and also normal color but still some undigested food.
mariz 7 years ago
2 to 3 stools is not considered diarrhea.

Diarrhea is when you have more than 3 liquid stools in a day.

Keep the BRATY diet on for a week, and also add Yogurt and Isapgol (Psyllium Husks) twice a day and she'll be fine.
syria 7 years ago
Dear syria,

she was 2 normal stool yesterday but yesterday night at 3 a.m. she again has a watery stool with undigested food and color was also yellow. she is also not sleeping well whole night she looks restless and don,t sleep deeply.
mariz 7 years ago
Now again at 10.30 am second watery stool.

please help should i give again nux vomica 200 or as prescribed by healer21 calc Flour 30 ?
mariz 7 years ago
Try calc flour .. as prescribed untill there is no reply.
healer21 7 years ago
yes from today i have started as you prescribed and report you tomorrow.
mariz 7 years ago
If I'm not replying click my name below and email me as a reminder ..
[Edited by healer21 on 2018-01-23 12:16:56]
healer21 7 years ago

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