The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lung Congestion in my Toy Fox Terrier of 3 y.o.
Have been using abc Homeopathic's for some time now for my different ailments.Have aided a new member to my home a Toy Fox Terrier that is now 3 years old.
What I gather via online research is these dogs are prone to respiratory disorders.
She does exhibit heavy congestion & gurgling in chest cavity.
She also stops in mid roughhouse play like she is disoriented.
Also understand the trial & error process so what do I start with if this be the case.
Will take heed and apply recommendations from the ones who know.
Already self administering to myself Ledum Palustre, Arnica Montana & Arsenicum Album because of several tic bites that I've gotten here in Connecticut so I'm not squeamish & prepared to move forth.
Thank you all in advance & blessings to all.
wolfen1 on 2018-01-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Antimonium Tart 30, twice a day help when chest is congested
♡ Reva V 7 years ago
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