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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Homeopathy for hormonal acne and scarring

Hi all,

I am 22 and in December 2016 I came off the contraceptive pill, and from then until May 2017 my skin was fine and clear (occasional spot around my chin but otherwise fine). Then, at the end of May I had to take the morning after pill and almost immediately my skin went into meltdown and I have been struggling with acne ever since.

I had awful cysts on both my temples (worse on the right) which have completely gone now but have left rolling scars and redness. I still have spots on my right cheek, and have big under-the-skin spots along my jawline (under the corners of my mouth) and above my mouth - specifically to the side and above my upper lip, but below my nose.

I have trialled taking gun powder tablets and berberis aquifolium and there has been a small improvement but nothing remarkable.

I have now finished the tablets of those that I was given - should I buy more or take a break and try something else?

Should also maybe note I had a cold-sore in the left corner of my mouth over Christmas which I think was from thrush, but that is now resolving/nearly gone.

I am also taking probiotic capsules, omega 3, B12 (all very high strength and quality) once a day, and eating garlic twice a day.

Am considering looking into kali bromatum - it seems to be good for those who grind their teeth and have nightmares which are both applicable to me!

Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated! Lifestyle wise, I have done everything I can think of help heal my skin, but the spots still keep coming up. There must be something still going on internally that is expressing itself through my skin, I just want to try and sort it!
  maggie1008 on 2018-01-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can take kali Brom 30c 3 pills thrice daily.
Kali mur 6x 3 tablets thrice daily.
Apply berberis aquefolium Q externally by using cotton....

Report feed back after 20 days here:

My email id: Drthoufeequebhms at gmail.com
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago

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