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0antivirus0 -Knowledge required (help)

Can three remedies be taken on the same day , same time , as prescribed by a homeopath.
[Edited by Oujejoo on 2018-02-14 03:54:17]
  Oujejoo on 2018-02-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
NO, as per classical homeopathy as made by Hanneman it is wrong, it also does not prefers Hering's law of cure.

0antivirus0 7 years ago
Would you prescribe a medicine for me .
I feel weak , lack of muscle strength lost due to years of masturbation . stopped masturbating a few years back .
now i occasionally do it .

PROBLEM = rheumatic pains after erections and masturbation .
Body feels stiff after masturbation and even with just long erections for some time .

There is stiffness in the body , somehow related to my erections .

What I think is that , when all the blood flows to my penis for hard erections then my legs get cold and stiff .

cracking sounds from knees while walking .
Lack of vital heat in the body .
lower back weakness and pain
pain radiating from back to hips to groin muscles .

tearing pains in groin while stretching .
Exertion of any kind causes weakness , even talking for long causes cracked voice and pain in throat .

Oujejoo 7 years ago
can you arrange ayurvedic herbs ??
0antivirus0 7 years ago
sure I can ,
i've used them last year , results were great , I almost healed , but the results were temporary .

But yes i am open to the idea of ayurveda.

plus I would like to gain knowledge about the list of homeopathic remedies which would solve my pain while erection problem .

I never self medicate without proper advice and discussion with a homeopath .
Oujejoo 7 years ago
please reply if you get this message to continue with herbal therapy.
0antivirus0 7 years ago
Yes sir , I am ready for the treatment
Oujejoo 7 years ago
please arrange ASHWAGANDHA and SHATAVARI
0antivirus0 7 years ago

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