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Restless Baby fighting sleep and throws hands and legs

My son is four months old, he doesn't sleep at all in night. He is irritable, cries, throws his hands and legs and arches his body. He likes to be carried around,especi especially in open outdoors.

I haven't slept for more than 30 minutes a stretch in the last four months and it's taking its toll on me. Even the baby is tired to the core. He sleeps for a few hours in daytime. But, that naps too is just 30-45 minutes long.

Other symptoms.... Drools(not teething), cold hands and feet, smelly stools. He is on soy formula as he has milk protein allergy. Very sociable baby, achieved all milestones, he weigh 6 kg now, stools and peeing normal, his right eye water sometimes. He used to be gassy, but now no evidence of reflux or gas. A happy baby himself. His head and backside of body sweat a lot and he prefer sleeping on his side(either) now.

Met a few local homeopaths, got chamomilla, calc phos etc, but it only aggregated symptoms.

Pls syggsug a good remedy to get a good sleep- at least a few hours in a stretch, if not sleep through night. Thank you.
[Edited by Eecki on 2018-02-14 22:49:13]
  Eecki on 2018-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl give him
1. Calc Carb-30 6 pills twice a day for 10 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo_helper 7 years ago
Thanks you...will get it and give him, will report back.
Eecki 7 years ago
Child is only 4 months old, and this many doses may overdose him. I would try one dose only for two days and see what response is. If there is a good reaction then you stop dosing until you see symptoms return, and then give
Another dose- when a remedy is right the time between doses gets longer
Until the problem is gone.
simone717 7 years ago
Hi Simone,
You have a valid point there, actually am afraid to even try something on him, but his sleeplessness is making him so tired, hence I thought of the homeopathic route. Two days might be enough for a remedy to act, will see and revert here. Thanks
Eecki 7 years ago
Tried calc carb for three days, no use, actually his symptoms got worse, he now screams from 7 pm to 3 am, doesnot even sleep for ten minutes that time. Local homeopath want me to try cypripedium. What's your take on this? Apt remedy?
Eecki 7 years ago
Yes- I would give it a try. You can always look
It up in materia medica - "child wakes at night crying, then wants to play."
Also if your local homeopath has actually seen
Your child, they have much better info to make a prescription.
simone717 7 years ago
Yes, he has seen the baby, but haven't seen his typical sleep time behaviour. Anyway, gonna give it a try. What do you think, is 200c the apt potency for a four month old?

By the way, he doesn't wake up at night, he stays awake, mostly in a playful mood and around 30% of the time, he fusses, cries and demands to be carried around. He is terribly drowdy, but fights sleep.
Eecki 7 years ago
I would try one dose of 30c and then evaluate
Response after 24 hours. If no response try one more dose of it.
If there is a good response you wait until it stalls out before giving another dose .
simone717 7 years ago
single dose nux vomica 1st and then reaccess..
1 pellet 30c in 4 oz water..stir heavy..1/2 teaspoon dose ..
as well no soy ..find alternative...raw goats best if can tolerate..
John Stanton 7 years ago
Tried everything that's suggested, but of no use. Will list his current symptoms here.
* Sleeps all day, wakes up every hour, takes formula and sleep again.
* Fussiness and light crying starts from evening.
* He is super dizzy, but fights sleep, and keeps awake all night.
* Plays for some 1 hour maximum, then is irritated, throws his hands& legs, cries,

* in the whole night,he sleeps just an hour maximum, once the sun rises, he starts his 1 hr sleep cycles.( We call him sunshine baby

* Don't know if it's due to a homeo remedy that we tried(calc carb, cypripedium, chamomilla, nux vomica) he doesn't have night sweating, cold hands, arching back etc

* A friend asked to try Jalapa, whats your take on this? Surely, He is good all day, bad all night
[Edited by Eecki on 2018-03-01 14:38:02]
Eecki 7 years ago
It sounds like several symptoms are gone now.
And would also bet he is teething. Look up pulsatilla materia medica
He matches a lot of that now. Don’t know where you are? But if me
I would try buying some oragel day / oragel night
And rub on gums see if there is a difference.

Then you know and can try a dose of pulsatilla
To see if that also helps.
simone717 7 years ago
what u mean "super dizzy"? what symptoms /signs tel this for u?
John Stanton 7 years ago
Sorry for the late reply. Was down with an accident. Oh Super dizzy was a typo, I meant super sleepy.

I too feel that he is teething. He constantly bites our fingers.

Will list the new symptoms here
1) short sleep cycles of 45 minutes
2)chewing on anything he can reach
3) Constipated, passes stool only when I use truelax suppositories
4) Loves to be carried to outside, fully stretch his hands and legs and demand to be lifted up by making some noises
5) occassionally, he exhibits a shivering/vibrating motion of one arm or a feet, it lasts only some 2-3 seconds

My baby is uptodate in terms of developmental milestones, he is happy,he plays, makes noises, smiles a lit, socialises etc.

The sleep is the only issue that me and my parents are finding so exhausting. It has been 5 months. We don't need him to sleep through whole night, even a 3-4 hr stretch is fine, now what happens is he wakes up the moment we close our eyes, we are so tired.

Thanks for letting me vent. Hope you all undrstand
Eecki 6 years ago
Will see if oragel is available here in India. Looked up pulsatilla, I doubt if he mstches it, his cry isn't pathetic, he seen angry and not comforted when he is fussy. Still, should I try it?
Eecki 6 years ago
Tried nux vomica but didntd notice any change.Regarding soya milk, as he is into 6th month, we have started on semi solid food and has reduced soya.
Eecki 6 years ago
Hello everyone
What's your take on hyland's baby calming tablets? A friend swears by it, she told her baby slept well on it, I looked up, saw that it's a combination of many homeo medicines. Please revert.
Eecki 6 years ago
I would not do the combo. Hylands had to remove their teething combo
From USA-it had belladonna in it (not sure what potency right now)

The calming tabs also have belladonna 12x in them and directions are
Not to use more than 7 days.

Hylands has a gel for gums- I would get that.

I suggest try things one by one. Try cal phos 6x
With mag phos 6x dissolved in a couple tablespoons of warm water.use one tab and give in morning and before bed.

See what that does first.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-03-25 23:43:14]
simone717 6 years ago

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