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ABC Homeopathy Forum


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Love hearts & endorsements

Some of you may notice that I've added love hearts (yes, I know, valentine's day was yesterday) to some forum names.

The size of the hearts (and their existence or otherwise) reflect endorsements. It is partly iterative, in that the more endorsements somebody has, the higher the value placed on the endorsements they give other members. This is to stop people creating a load of fake ID's to pat themselves on the back.

Please don't be offended if you don't have one. The data set is small & very few people endorse posts. Also, any such system necessarily favours those with the most posts out there to endorse. We've been collecting endorsements since September 2017.

[Edited by moderator on 2018-02-18 19:40:20]
  moderator on 2018-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also: any suggestions on what we can use instead of hearts?

A thumb up? A trophy? A star? Any other suggestions?

Whatever it is, it'll be shown by the size of the icon. We're not going to show stars out of five for example. this is because a few endorsements would then look worse than no endorsements.
[Edited by moderator on 2018-02-15 11:01:35]
moderator 7 years ago
I've tweaked the forumula slightly, in an attempt to make it fairer.

So now rather than each endorsement counting equally for the first iteration, each member only has so much love to give. So if you have 10 endorsements from one member, that's no more valuable than one endorsement from that member, unless that member has also endorsed other posters.

Embarrassingly, this makes my own heart one of the bigger ones. The reason for this is not that I'm more loved than the selfless regular prescribers, but simply that my peace-keeping efforts have been endorsed by those self same regulars, whose endorsements are themselves loaded with endorsements and so count for a lot more than endorsements from members who haven't been endorsed themselves.

The method does make it a little cliquey, but no method would be perfect.
[Edited by moderator on 2018-02-19 13:34:47]
moderator 7 years ago

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