The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Blood sugar levels
I am 69 years old. From 2016 Sep my blood sugar levels are noticed. It was 130/160. Using allopathy tabsWeight loss was started from that. After taking allopathy the sugar levels was came down and maintaining
almost in normal. Presently the levels arisen to 130/172 due to intake of sweets etc Left hand muscle is paining and could not move freely. The owner extremities are paining during day and night. Constant head ach is there with no sound sleep during nights. Some times the pains are heavy during midnight.
Helonias mother tincture plus sy.jumo is being taken one time besides allopathy tabs. Five phos three times a day is continuing. Burning sensation from below the knees to palms. Please suggest the remedies.
bhavanarayana on 2018-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Sulphur 30 and Belladonna 30 twice a day for 7 days. One dose means 2 pills each of both remedies at a time. Other remedies may be continued for the time being.
[Edited by kadwa on 2018-02-19 08:40:44]
[Edited by kadwa on 2018-02-19 08:40:44]
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
Sir, Taken Sulphur 30 and Bell.30 as advised and now the Sugar levels are
108/152. Left hand muscle pains are also lowered. Please advise me further course of
2. Here my friend aged 74 who is also a type 2 diabetic patient since a long years
had the sugar levels 120/220 presently despite using Homeo plus Ayurveda.
He is also good homeopathic too. He is having vision problem and undergone
Surgeries earlier. Presently left eye vision is decreased what he is complaining.
Examine and advise. Any further information required will be furnished.
108/152. Left hand muscle pains are also lowered. Please advise me further course of
2. Here my friend aged 74 who is also a type 2 diabetic patient since a long years
had the sugar levels 120/220 presently despite using Homeo plus Ayurveda.
He is also good homeopathic too. He is having vision problem and undergone
Surgeries earlier. Presently left eye vision is decreased what he is complaining.
Examine and advise. Any further information required will be furnished.
bhavanarayana 7 years ago
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
Your friend should take the following remedies twice a day for 10 days and see how that affects...
sulphur 30
carbo veg 30
acid phos 30
sulphur 30
carbo veg 30
acid phos 30
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
Sir, presently my blood sugar levels are 118/142. The lower extremities are burning. When lying position pl.advise. Further I undergone right eye cataract surgery. But the eyes are with dryness
Used Cinn.maritima drops for one month. Bell 30 and Sulpher 30 plus allopathy tabs and
Arena sativa and Aswagandha . Please advise. Why the burning when sugar levels are not so
Used Cinn.maritima drops for one month. Bell 30 and Sulpher 30 plus allopathy tabs and
Arena sativa and Aswagandha . Please advise. Why the burning when sugar levels are not so
bhavanarayana 6 years ago
Please take a single dose of Medorrhinum 200. Only one dose, not daily. Other remedies may be continued with.
[Edited by kadwa on 2018-03-19 07:08:18]
[Edited by kadwa on 2018-03-19 07:08:18]
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
For quiet some days after bathing some while scalps is seen on my abdominal
no patches. Some time past itching is seen on hands shoulders itching while on bed,
RT 200 one dose taken. And no itching. I fear why a white scalps on abdominal after bath.
Using hot water for bath through greaser with high during winter. Please examine and advise.
For quiet some days after bathing some while scalps is seen on my abdominal
no patches. Some time past itching is seen on hands shoulders itching while on bed,
RT 200 one dose taken. And no itching. I fear why a white scalps on abdominal after bath.
Using hot water for bath through greaser with high during winter. Please examine and advise.
bhavanarayana 6 years ago
Further on March 19 advised Medhorinum 200 dose. But I had a 1M dose a month ago
for my sciatica trouble which is taking on long intervals. This may also be examined and
for my sciatica trouble which is taking on long intervals. This may also be examined and
bhavanarayana 6 years ago
White peels or scalds may respond to Arsenicum Album 30.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
My daughter suffering from lactose intolerance
for quiet some time. Milk and milk items like ice creams
Sweets made with milk are no tolerance. If taken
stomach upset and vomitting. Please examine and
remedy advised.
My daughter suffering from lactose intolerance
for quiet some time. Milk and milk items like ice creams
Sweets made with milk are no tolerance. If taken
stomach upset and vomitting. Please examine and
remedy advised.
bhavanarayana 6 years ago
bhavanarayana 6 years ago
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