The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Rhus Tox and Arnica
Hello,I took Rhus Tox 30C 1 dry dose (1 pill) for my neck pain that started after I used a different pillow to sleep all night long. I started having pain near my heart and shortness of breath after I took that dose. The pain lasted for an hour and it went away after I rested in bed, because I couldn't tolerate it any more. The pain returned again for the next 2 days and went away after resting for an hour. Today is Day 4 and I still feel slight pain but not as bad. Is this the side effect or aggravation caused by Rhus Tox? I use homeopathy regularly, but this is the first time I've used Rhus Tox.
Similar symptom happened a couple months back when I took Arnica (30C 1 dry pill) for muscle strain after walking all day long in the zoo. Can anyone please confirm? Thanks a lot!
[Edited by mvcivil on 2018-03-11 13:22:56]
mvcivil on 2018-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A kind bump. I am still going through aggravation symptoms. So I took the Rhus Tox on Feb 26th (Exactly 1 week back). The pain near heart is mild now, but I only get it after dinner at night. I still have slight shortness of breath all day long, but it increases after dinner when I get the heart pain. I also started showing symptoms of sore & scratchy throat since yesterday. I have labored breathing and I have been coughing up some phlegm. Please help!
mvcivil 7 years ago
There's no possibility for Rhus Tox or Arnica to create such symptoms. The better way is to work out remedy that covers present symptoms in totality.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
Dear Dr. Kadwa,
Thank you sir. Can you please suggest a remedy for my case? So, after taking Rhus Tox for neckpain, the pain is completely gone now after 2 weeks. But I started having shortness of breath but it intensifies every night starting 8pm to 1 am. Last week I also started having sore throat and cough. I treated the sore throat with Merc Viv 30C dry doses for 2 days 3 times a day. Cold symptoms also went down. At the moment I have slight pain in my right ear. A bad cough with little expectoration all day long, except in the morning I am able to expectorate a little thick tan color mucus. The chief complaint I have is the shortness of breath. I am worried that I may be developing asthma-like symptoms. I never had asthma in my life.
On another note I am dealing with a chronic UTI, which I am able to control with Cantharis 30C every now and then. But I am unable to get rid of it completely. I know I am not dosing the remedy correctly, still learning sir!
I mostly use homeopathic to treat acute illnesses for my family. They work for us. I am still trying to learn how to match symptoms and dosage. We live in Usa, so I don't have a homeopath available in this town. Please let me know if you need any more details to deal with my case. Thank you in advance for your time Sir!
[Edited by mvcivil on 2018-03-11 13:15:21]
Thank you sir. Can you please suggest a remedy for my case? So, after taking Rhus Tox for neckpain, the pain is completely gone now after 2 weeks. But I started having shortness of breath but it intensifies every night starting 8pm to 1 am. Last week I also started having sore throat and cough. I treated the sore throat with Merc Viv 30C dry doses for 2 days 3 times a day. Cold symptoms also went down. At the moment I have slight pain in my right ear. A bad cough with little expectoration all day long, except in the morning I am able to expectorate a little thick tan color mucus. The chief complaint I have is the shortness of breath. I am worried that I may be developing asthma-like symptoms. I never had asthma in my life.
On another note I am dealing with a chronic UTI, which I am able to control with Cantharis 30C every now and then. But I am unable to get rid of it completely. I know I am not dosing the remedy correctly, still learning sir!
I mostly use homeopathic to treat acute illnesses for my family. They work for us. I am still trying to learn how to match symptoms and dosage. We live in Usa, so I don't have a homeopath available in this town. Please let me know if you need any more details to deal with my case. Thank you in advance for your time Sir!
[Edited by mvcivil on 2018-03-11 13:15:21]
mvcivil 6 years ago
Please take Sulphur 30 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over 10 days.
Phosphorus 30 may be tested later if your asthma like symptoms persists.
Phosphorus 30 may be tested later if your asthma like symptoms persists.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
I will take Sulphur 30C as indicated by you. Thank you Mr. Kadwa.
mvcivil 6 years ago
Dear Dr. Kadwa
I took Sulphur 30C as directed by you, I had significant relief of Asthma like symptoms in the past week. The symptoms are coming back since last night. I feel heaviness in my chest area, breathing harder than usual. Shortness of breath all day long but worsens at night (after 7pm). I couldn't eat much tonight. Slight pain near heart area. I am also starting to get bad cough, worsens at night. I have slight body pains now, feels like I am going to have a fever. Very chilly also. Would you suggest any changes to my remedy? Please let me know. I have most of the homeopathic remedies in 30C. But I will have to order any higher potencies if you suggest.
Thank you for your advice and time
[Edited by mvcivil on 2018-03-28 01:11:45]
I took Sulphur 30C as directed by you, I had significant relief of Asthma like symptoms in the past week. The symptoms are coming back since last night. I feel heaviness in my chest area, breathing harder than usual. Shortness of breath all day long but worsens at night (after 7pm). I couldn't eat much tonight. Slight pain near heart area. I am also starting to get bad cough, worsens at night. I have slight body pains now, feels like I am going to have a fever. Very chilly also. Would you suggest any changes to my remedy? Please let me know. I have most of the homeopathic remedies in 30C. But I will have to order any higher potencies if you suggest.
Thank you for your advice and time
[Edited by mvcivil on 2018-03-28 01:11:45]
mvcivil 6 years ago
Please repeat a single dose of Sulphur 30. If there is no relief within a week, please take a single dose of Kali Carb 30 and wait for a week for response.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
Rhus Tox 30 may be used anytime for feverish symptoms.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
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