The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Att: Reva, 0antivirus or Maheeru
I came across a remedy I think matches my son.13 year old boy, oldest child. Most of these symptoms have been present for the last 3-7 years, besides for facial acne which began 3-4 months ago, I assume due to hormonal changes.
When he works on something – he works very hard, no break, and don’t bother him while he’s working,
Doesn’t have the best concentratioin
Likes music and drawing
Very impatient, irritable, critical
Has a hard time learning if there is noise and action around.
Type A personality
He gets bothered by mess, and needs things clean around him, and will get angry if a place he cleaned became dirty/ disorganized soon after.
Worries too much about his siblings
Very competitive, likes to be in charge, annoyed when others disagree with him. Needs to be right.
Jealous of what others have
Loves adding lots of spices to his foods. Needs to smell food before eating
When he sleeps at night he gets hot easily – prefers little to no heat on, and has a body odor during sleep, but he needs a proper blanket to sleep
Breath has a stronger smell
He eats more than many people older than him, yet is petite – very short and thin.
Does not like being touched
Constipation and bedwetting issues
Had colic as a baby
Stuffy nose at night – sniffs out throughout the night, and wakes up to sniff out as well, and he needs tissues with him at all times- summer and winter
Enlarged adenoids and tonsils – was followed by an ENT with nasal sprays for 2 years, and didn’t help much.
Takes time until he falls asleep.
Occasionally has strong nightmares, and hard to calm him down.
Does not eat breakfast, no matter the hour, will only eat at least 2-3 hours after waking up.
Had many earaches as a baby – and Homeopathy brought relief at age 2 for that.
The remedy I think suits him is Nux Vomica, but I don’t have that much knowledge of the remedies.
What remedy, what strength, and what would be the dose?
Thanks so much
Mswest37 on 2018-03-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes the remedy match seems fair. You can give him Nux V. Potency can be 200c. It shall be given one hour before bed. One pill/drop would be a dose.
Give him six doses in this manner every week. If you see significant aggravation or betterment in between stop the medicine and report.
Give him six doses in this manner every week. If you see significant aggravation or betterment in between stop the medicine and report.
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
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