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CNS vasculitis (auto immune disorder) strokes causing Paralysis in limbs (more prominent with left lower limb), urinary and impotence issues.
I got paralysed through recurrent attacks due to disease CNS vasculitis diagnosed in 2013, I have not got any major stroke or attack due to vasculitis ( auto immune disorder) since 2013...but I am unable to recover from my spasticity and my paralysis in left leg.Nobody knows why the auto immune disorders happen, I have been on mostly vegetarian diet and I do not smoke or drink. But when I retrospective my issues are as below..
1) I have been through long periods of depression in my childhood, as i felt that my parents never understood me and never paid heed to my little demands and very very harsh and rude which included physical abuse..
2) when I grew up and started working away in a different city, I restored my happiness and confidence, I used to exersize a lot and was quite fit and strong.
3) I started to like a girl in my office and then we started to speak and meet outside office, I was in love with her soon, and started to think about her most of the times including fantasizing about her.
4) we never came close sexually but only to extent of kissing and hugging each other, after 6 months of our dating, her parents arranged her marriage with a family friend of her's, she was confused but then we stopped meeting.(she could not discuss our relationship with her parents as we were from different communities, and culture, she was south Indian), I still do not know the reason, but we seperated eventually...
5) it was difficult for me, as I could not stop thinking about her and my past dates with her despite she getting married.
6) my age was 29 at that time and my arents were insisting for my marriage, I agreed and around 30 , I got married.
7) but even after marriage, I could not stop thinking and fantasizing about my last friend before marriage, and that proved as hindrance to my new relationship. I lost my urge for se, my libido and had erectile dysfunction, though I had sexual fantasies.
8) after few initial intercourse with my wife in initial 6 months post marriage, I felt I started to become impotent, had erectile dysfunction, .low libido and could not have sex with my spouse after a year.
9) I felt depression at times, and also had memories of my old friend, and also fantasized about her , even masturbated almost everyday.
10)in 2010 at age of 33, I had my first autoimmune stroke which lead to inflammation in spine and paralysis below waist.
Though allopathy cannot understand, but I feel that my autoimmune disorder could be due to combination of my childhood depression, breakup with my friend and my mind which was mostly trapped in my past relationships.
So I am seeking a homepathic help and suggestions for my healing. (Though I had not got any further scissor post 2013 but I am unable to recover from my previous strokes).
In 2010- I was paralysed below waist, but I partly recovered from paralysis by 2012 with physiotherapy
In 2012- I got a further stroke and no major changes or damage was seen in MRI and I was given doses of cortisteroids.
In 2013- I had major stroke due to CNS vasculitis and for brain haemorrhage on right side of brain and my left hand and leg were paralysed.
Due to physiotherapy, paralysis of my hand is gone and recovered but despite physiotherapy, I am unable to recover from my spasticity and my left leg paralysis.
I feel that this disease and my illness has deep connection with emotional hardships of past, my depression and unable to let go off incidents in my childhood and past, life has been depressive and tough for me as my mind thinks, therefore despite good food habits, I was caught in auto immune disorder.
I hope homeopathy help in my recovery , can someone with good understanding on homeopathy help.
Based on my condition a homeopathy expert on ABC homeopathy advised me staphysagria200 4 drops in 2 sips of water;;
I started staphysagria200 (4 drops in 2 sips water) and repeated that every week once for last 4 weeks;
I feel slight positive changes, as my urine flow slightly improved (earlier it was very bad…it is still bad but with slight improvement); I have started to getting early morning erections more than before though my erections and impotence have still not healed.
I still suffer from paralysis, urine bladder issues, weak urine stream, incontinence and retention, low libido,
- After advising staphysagria200 a month back, the Homeopathy advisor disappeared and so I am looking or some help from a homeopathy expert;
- My case is little complicated can someone take my case?
My issues (most of these issues started after CNS vasculitis (auto immune disorder) strokes causing
- Paralysis in limbs (more prominent with left lower limb), difficulty walking, I walk with crutches; spasticity in legs;
- Urine bladder issues (difficulty urination, urine bladder spasticity, Urine incontinence with dribbling urine, Urine retention with Difficulty initiating urine stream.
- Impotence, Low sperm count, do not get erection at time of sex (only early morning erections which disappear in some time after waking up, erectile dysfunction.
khurana76 on 2018-03-11
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♡ simone717 7 years ago
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I am not the owner of the forum - his name is simon,
And he is the moderator - you can click peoples names and see what they are about on their profile and past posts. Since this
Is set up as a forum/ anyone anywhere can offer
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♡ simone717 7 years ago
♡ drjitesh 6 years ago
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