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Healthy male with healthy erection but watery semen due to past masturbation habits .

I am 23 year old male and i have masturbate for almost 8 years but now i dont .my erection is completely healthy , I eat healthy , i dont drink or smoke , i workout regularly but i still have watery semen . Any help would be appreciated .

  .solanki on 2018-04-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Does semen have a smell or odorless?
Tui 6 years ago
It has a mild semen smell . I have known this smell simce my childhood . There is no weird smell or something .
.solanki 6 years ago
Please take Sulph 200c, once a day for 3 days and report back in 2 weeks.

Put 2 pills or drops in half a glass of water, mixed well and take 1 teaspoon from there ( 1 dose ).
Tui 6 years ago
Do i have to throw away the rest of the water after taking 1 spoon of it??
.solanki 6 years ago
Tui 6 years ago
You should also get your serum zinc levels tested & if low, use dietary supplements. If you’ve been working out & don’t see gains or feel tired any ZMA supplement should help. But get your levels tested before taking supplements. Zinc is vital for sexual health & is concentrated in prostate & testis & levels can drop from excess masturbation.
[Edited by katsumi on 2018-05-01 12:30:00]
katsumi 6 years ago
I appreciate your help . Can you please suggest me some zinc supliments ?
.solanki 6 years ago
I like zinc gluconate. If you can’t find it you can use zinc acetate syrup. Most medical stores will sell them over the counter. You should get zinc levels tested before taking supplements. Amazon sells zinc gluconate tablets & it is a better form of zinc.
katsumi 6 years ago

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