The ABC Homeopathy Forum
which remedies can i take please
Thank you so much!!Personal Information:
Full Name: Anto75
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: F
Age: 42
Weight: 99kg
Height: 166 cm
Temperature: usually around 35.5/36 C
Blood Pressure: 130/95
Color of Tongue: red/purple
Occupation: almost unemployed
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- , , anxiety, , cholesterol, high tryglicerides, angry often,stuck, no way out, want isolation, sleep, dreams, some joint discomfort has started in the last year or so as well, lazy, apathetic
Comfortable Position:-alone, no worries, no things to do, silence, sleep, sitting, lying down, sometimes walking slowly9
Worse state of disease:- with people around, with things to do, with noises, with negative thoughts, standing, walking fast
Change of Weather:- I love cold weather, I sweat too much even at lower temperatures, profusely, makes me really embarassed and I sweat even more, all over, it's annoying, worse when I am walking of course but even standing still after 21C if it's humid (my home is humid and my city as well)
Hot & Cold Application:- I love hot showers, the relax me, but I like cold weather it invigorates me and I don't sweat as much when it's close to 0 C, room temperature between 13 and 16 C is best for me if not moving around
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?) blood pressure:night I think cause I have colder feet and hands
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?) blood pressure: morning
I have ringing left ear sometimes right, tension (no pain in head)
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:-high, ravenous especially after a couple of hours after waking up
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. sertraline, valium, xanax
b. olive,
c. folate, potassium, mmagnesiumi tried homeopathic silver and it didn't do much at all
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? Yes
Are you fond of drinking ? sodas and water
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? all of them preference changes during the day
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? pescatarian
How is your bowel movement? fast and usually on the loose side
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or etc? especially in the belly
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? lots of different foods and drinks, sometimes pizza, sometimes sushi, or pasta or chinese or indian, definitely cheese, I feel like I need a bit of cheese everyday
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? no
List of closed family persons diseases:-
a. circulatory issues, high blood pressure, strokes after 60 years old
b. Alzheimer after 75 years old
c. thyroid issues
d. dad with hepatitis c but he contracted if after my birth and didn't pass it on to me
e. depression and anxiety runs in the generations
Thank you
Anto75 on 2018-05-04
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♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
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♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
Thank you very much
[Edited by Anto75 on 2018-05-04 11:55:58]
Anto75 6 years ago
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2018-05-04 12:36:37]
♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
Comfortable Position:-alone, no worries, no things to do, silence, sleep, sitting, lying down, walking briskly now, feel the need to move a bit more
Worse state of disease:- with people around, with things to do, with noises, with negative thoughts
Change of Weather:- I love cold weather, I sweat too much even at lower temperatures, profusely, makes me really embarassed and I sweat even more, all over, it's annoying, worse when I am walking of course but even standing still after 21C if it's humid (my home is humid and my city as well)
Hot & Cold Application:- I love hot showers, the relax me, but I like cold weather it invigorates me and I don't sweat as much when it's close to 0 C, room temperature between 13 and 16 C is best for me if not moving around
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?) blood pressure:night I think cause I have colder feet and hands
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?) blood pressure: morning
I have ringing left ear sometimes right, tension (no pain in head)
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite: less than before, it starts after a couple of hours after I wake up
(How is your appetite?)
What should I take now?
Thank you very much
Anto75 6 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
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