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for dr kadwa pleaseleft hand numbness and weakness in fingers Page 2 of 2
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Please use Thuja 30 instead of Silicea 30 and see how that affects. You may continue with the other 2 remedies. You may report back after 15 days.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
Dear Sir
I AM using RHUS TOX calcaria flourica and thuja since last two weeks and there is improvement in numbness at night in both hands
However there is restriction in urination at times I got ultrasound of prostrate and kidneys my prostrate is enlarged It weighs 75 instead of 24 and median lobe is projecting into the urinary bladder and few calcipications are noted in prostrate gland
Simple renal cysts are noted in both kidneys
I AM using RHUS TOX calcaria flourica and thuja since last two weeks and there is improvement in numbness at night in both hands
However there is restriction in urination at times I got ultrasound of prostrate and kidneys my prostrate is enlarged It weighs 75 instead of 24 and median lobe is projecting into the urinary bladder and few calcipications are noted in prostrate gland
Simple renal cysts are noted in both kidneys
mnadeemkh 6 years ago
Dear Sir
AM using calcaria flourica rhus tox thuja since last two weeks and there is improvement in numbness at night in both hands
However there is restriction in urination at times I got ultrasound of prostrate and kidneys my prostrate is enlarged It weighs 75 instead of 24 and median lobe is projecting into the urinary bladder and few calcifications are noted in prostrate gland
Simple renal cysts are noted in both kidneys
AM using calcaria flourica rhus tox thuja since last two weeks and there is improvement in numbness at night in both hands
However there is restriction in urination at times I got ultrasound of prostrate and kidneys my prostrate is enlarged It weighs 75 instead of 24 and median lobe is projecting into the urinary bladder and few calcifications are noted in prostrate gland
Simple renal cysts are noted in both kidneys
mnadeemkh 5 years ago
Dear Sir
I AM using calcaria flourica RHUS TOX THUJA since last two weeks and there is improvement in numbness at night in both hands
However there is restriction in urination at times I got ultrasound of prostrate and kidneys my prostrate is enlarged It weighs 75 instead of 24 and median lobe is projecting into the urinary bladder and few calcifications are noted in prostrate gland
Simple renal cysts are noted in both kidneys
SIR ABOVE text is a REPEAT message pl see original
I AM using calcaria flourica RHUS TOX THUJA since last two weeks and there is improvement in numbness at night in both hands
However there is restriction in urination at times I got ultrasound of prostrate and kidneys my prostrate is enlarged It weighs 75 instead of 24 and median lobe is projecting into the urinary bladder and few calcifications are noted in prostrate gland
Simple renal cysts are noted in both kidneys
SIR ABOVE text is a REPEAT message pl see original
mnadeemkh 5 years ago
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