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Proving many homeopathic remedies easily


What should I do if I am proving many homeopathic remedies easily ( sometimes after one dose)?

The remedies are simple and sometimes polychrests too

Like Lycopodium 200, Nux Vomica 30, Nat Phos 30c and Ruta 6c for eye strain ( one pillule one dose )

Is there a way to remedy my over sensitivity such that I respond normally to homeopathic remedies ?

Something tried and tested and sure ?
[Edited by NiniM on 2018-06-08 19:12:13]
  NiniM on 2018-06-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you have been taking ( or had been taken)many different remedies for a long period of time (say more than a month), it's probably your vital force is already working full on, so whatever the remedies you take, you just prove.

If this is the case, just stop talking any remedies for a while and wait if any of your problem disappear on its own.

But if you are very new to homeopathy, and prove every remedy you take, then you are one of a very rare people who have a super sensitivity to the energy level. If this is your case, then you maybe better off using other healing modalities, such as homeobotanical or herbal medicines.
Tui 6 years ago
Also, provings are different from aggravation. I think you know about that, right?
Tui 6 years ago
Hanemann had introduced split dose method insted of dry dose in his Organon 5 and 6 to overcome many problems like repetition sensitivity etc. Dr.Luc D Schepher has beautifully illustrated in his books, which will be of great help.

Probably this will help.
Srini3553 6 years ago
Tui- thank you.
My problem is the former - having taken too many remedies and now proving almost every remedy. It’s comforting to know that there is such a thing as that and not that something’s wrong with me. I was weirded out cos I was thinking something’s wrong with me.

What’s a range of time people take ? I know it varies but am I looking at 6 months rest ? 1 year ?

Srini- would you know the name of the books that most help with my problem ? He has published too many.

Also does anyone know if Farah Gron- the lady Dr Schepper handed over his practice to - is just as good with difficult cases ( I am one ) and I need a truly experienced homeopath. I am in search of one.

Thank you.
NiniM 6 years ago

Yes I know completely the difference between provings and aggravations. Atleast theoretically. I do appreciate that sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish the two.
NiniM 6 years ago
I don't know your health problem so I can't tell you for how long you should wait.

Provings and aggravations are completely different things and they are not difficult to distinguish because proving symptoms are something that you have never had in your life, they are totally NEW symptoms and can find in Materia medica.

Aggravations are the SAME symptoms as you are having now or had before.
Tui 6 years ago
Dr. Scheppers Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimum, Heneman Revisited are almost same except Hamenan Revisited has a additional topic The Delusions. You can try Haneman Revisited which gives total insight in to homeopathic practice including case management beautifully.

As you stated 'taken too many remedies', best way is to try 'Detox' therapy to get rid of the problem. Find a Detox therapist on homeopathy forum.

Check the (Link: https://forum.hpathy.com/forum/homeopathic-discussion/grafti....
[Edited by Srini3553 on 2018-06-10 07:36:54]
Srini3553 6 years ago
If you are- proving a remedy( getting symptoms you never had)
Or aggravating with a remedy( having your regular symptoms
Aggravate?) which is it?

Sensitive people need to do a water dose, and the water dose can be diluted to higher and higher levels depending on your reaction.
For example, dilute 2 pills in one cup of water, take a tsp out of it
And put into another cup of water and take a tsp out of that as a dose.

The woman Dr Schepper gave his practice to, is after all his years of teaching, a person he said was his most intelligent person he had ever worked with. I would connect with her.
simone717 6 years ago
I will give you two examples.

I have insomnia - as in - I invariably wake up after 4-5 hours of sleep mostly around 3 am ( liver connection ) and then it takes me 1 hour to sleep back but that’s a bit fitful ( not restful) until 6.30 am to 7 am when I finally get out of bed.

I took nux vomica for it ( also cos I have lots of indigestion cos of toms of food allergies ). And I have slight constipation. Anyway so the first few doses I noticed not much change. On the 3rd night I took a dose and when I tried to sleep my body was almost jerking me back to wakefulness. Is this a proving or an aggravation ? It could be an aggravation if you think that it made my problem worse. If you think of how my body was actually trying to wake me up - a problem I never had - it could be a proving. I wrote it even more distinctly. What really happened was even more subtler.

Another example. With pollen allergies my eyestrain this time was terrible. I was finding it difficult to look at my computer screen. So I took one pillule of Ruta 6c. For 2 days my eyesight and astigmatism were worse. I had slight astigmatism before ( way back ) and after Ruta I almost was dizzy with the astigmatism .
Was that an aggravation - my almost non existent astigmatism getting worse or new symptom - dizziness from astigmatism?
[Edited by NiniM on 2018-06-10 18:44:24]
NiniM 6 years ago

You meant to write -find a detox homeopath on this forum ? Like just start a new thread asking if anyone can help me with detox?? That way ?

Simone - I understand what you mean by water dosing but now I think I need to consult with a professional homeopath to fully and correctly identify what remedy(ies) to take with the water dosing and what potencies and what protocol.

Also Simone -this may be the most difficult question yet and I can totally understand if you will not answer it but if I knew I was one of the more complicated cases plus I was sensitive - would I go to David Little or Farah Gron ??
NiniM 6 years ago

Your second link does not work. It’s broken. Help please
NiniM 6 years ago
Hi Nini,

The first example of nux - was a proving ( am assuming you never were jerked to awake before) you took too many doses . In that case you stop
And wait and that symptom will wear off. Then you watch and wait for a week and see if you feel better- still do not take more doses. Or if old things show up- still no doses, wait and they will subside and then see
If you start feeling better. Or the proving wears off and nothing happens
It means remedy is wrong.

The second example was aggravation, and you do not take more but again wait, and see if there are good effects after the aggravation.
If there are good effects, then you see how long those last and only take another dose when effects seem to go backwards. And at that time I would do one water dose .

And if me I would go to Farah, bc I like Dr Schepper approach. If you have never googled herings law of cure, about the pathway homeopaths
Use to monitor - that would be good for you to read.
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-06-10 20:15:43]
simone717 6 years ago
Thank you Simone. You gave me points to think about
NiniM 6 years ago
Hey I am also having serious homeopathy drug proving how to detox my body.I lost control from my body can you help I used many remedies like for about 6 months use of Acid phosphoricum 200, staphysagaria 30,Agnus castus 30, Terebinthina oleum 30

Lycopodium 200 ,kali phosphoricum 200,Liver tonic syrup,I dont have feel my original sensation and emotions.I am tottaly lost inside me.I cannot focus.I am get away from reality and Too many fears from other and things.Lost Inside myself.My body feels like I am dead.Can Anyone help me to overcome from this situation.I left All the medicine from 1 year but still the side effects not gone.I am very sensitive that I reliase now.My memory is destroyed Can you please help me to revive
Abhi3 last year
Hey I am also having serious homeopathy drug proving how to detox my body.I lost control from my body can you help I used many remedies like for about 6 months use of Acid phosphoricum 200, staphysagaria 30, oleum 30

,,Liver tonic syrup,I dont have feel my original sensation and emotions.I am tottaly lost inside me.I cannot focus.I am get away from reality and Too many fears from other and things.Lost Inside myself.My body feels like I am dead.Can Anyone help me to overcome from this situation.I left All the medicine from 1 year but still the side effects not gone.I am very sensitive that I reliase now.My memory is destroyed Can you please help me to revive
Abhi3 last year
simone717 said Hi Nini,

The first example of nux - was a proving ( am assuming you never were jerked to awake before) you took too many doses . In that case you stop
And wait and that symptom will wear off. Then you watch and wait for a week and see if you feel better- still do not take more doses. Or if old things show up- still no doses, wait and they will subside and then see
If you start feeling better. Or the proving wears off and nothing happens
It means remedy is wrong.

The second example was aggravation, and you do not take more but again wait, and see if there are good effects after the aggravation.
If there are good effects, then you see how long those last and only take another dose when effects seem to go backwards. And at that time I would do one water dose .

And if me I would go to Farah, bc I like Dr Schepper approach. If you have never googled herings law of cure, about the pathway homeopaths
Use to monitor - that would be good for you to read.

Hey simone can you help me to reach a doctor or yourself detox my body from homeopathy drug provings
Caused by phosphoric acid 200,selenium 30,agnus castus 30, Staphysagaria 30, Terebinthina 30 and liver tonic tonic of Sbl company.My body is full energy less and my total body structure is changed.I am now the weakest form of myself.I am not able to understand such thing and I am no emotion to produce at time.My mind is totally in confusion.I am totally damaged from inside.I lost my control from me.Please help me Its a begging request.I am still here with some hope.Because I can come out from this mess through homeo only.
[Edited by Abhi3 on 2023-12-28 05:40:48]
Abhi3 last year

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