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Belladonna: $4.19


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Belladona overdose or not

My 3.5 yrs child has hyperactivity and cannot speak in sentences. He just uses 1 or 2 words to communicate and express his needs.He had a head injury a year back though it was not considered to be fatal and the swelling resolved on its own.He responded to his name when he was called. However this response to call suddenly stopped when he started to take a course of medicine given by a local doctor.My son has taken Belladona 30,2 pillules at morning, 2 pillules at night for 21 days and Belladona 200 ,4 pillules at morning and 4 pillules at night for 11 days.He had taken Belladona for 31 days.His hyperactivity has been controlled but response to name is diminished. We are worried whether there is an overdose or not.The medicine has been stopped since 3 weeks but still his response to name is very poor but before taking the medicine response was always prompt. Please help
  Dalia123 on 2018-06-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2018-06-29 03:27:18]
HealthyWorld 6 years ago
My child is cheerful but he has become a little bit quiet after taking Belladona for 31-32 days. He is not aggressive.he is hyperactive but not very much.He likes to try almost every kind of food. He is playful but cannot carry out conversations.He cannot reply to a question or answer yes or no. .cannot tell his name ..but he used to respond to his name promptly before taking Belladona for 31 days.As I had mentioned before, a local homeopathic doctor had prescribed the dosage of belladona 30 for 21 days twice a day (2 pillules each time) and then prescribed Belladona 200 twice a day (4 pillules each time).He took 200 for 11 days.he stopped responding to his name while he was on belladona.
Dalia123 6 years ago
Hello Dalia, Did the symptoms come on after that head injury?
maheeru 6 years ago
If you are asking about the symptoms of hyperactivity, reduced talk, less attention, not always following instructions. ..yes these were seen after the head injury which happened one and a half years back.but later he started to communicate using two words over the past few months. But no use of sentences or use of conversations from his side.He started following instructions well and he was never on any medicines. But recently someone suggested there are good homeopathic medicines to combat speech delay ..so we went to a homeopathic doctor who put him on Belladona for attention and improvement of speech. But we are worried because after having belladona for over one month he is not following his instructions well and not responding to his name. We heard that homeopathic medicines are safe but we cannot understand why this happened after taking Belladona? Was the dosage not suitable for him?One of my friends said Belladona 200 is not safe for a 3 year old child and he had taken it twice a day for 11 days. Hence the problem. Could you please help? Because we are very worried because the medicine has been stopped over 3 weeks but still he is not responding to his name.
Dalia123 6 years ago
Ok in that case, it'd be best to address the CAUSE of Head injury first. We have a few medicines for injuries. In many cases when problems have been traced to a distant injury, addressing the injury has improved the whole situation.

As for the Bell. 200 is concerned, it's sort of overdosage considering the daily doses for 21 days and then again for 11 days. But at times this kind of aggressive dosage will be required but needs to be properly assessed. Sometimes patients with such difficulties just go back and forth during treatment. Over dosage effects can wear off in a couple of weeks if not they need to be dealt with.
maheeru 6 years ago
Thanks. .it has been about 4 weeks he is not responding to his name after the medicine has been stopped. When we went to the doctor who had given this medicine and reported about the problem he just asked to stop the medicine and said nothing much
Dalia123 6 years ago
You can give him coffee to drink (one cup everyday for two days) and see if there is any improvement. It's an anti dote and can take away the negative effects if any.

If it does not work let's move to other options.
maheeru 6 years ago
Thank you. My son is 3.5 yrs old. Should I give him black coffee?May I know how can I prepare his cup of coffee since he is a child?
Dalia123 6 years ago
No black coffee. Coffee prepared with milk in a normal way will do.
[Edited by maheeru on 2018-06-30 19:13:25]
maheeru 6 years ago
After 2 months of stopping Belladonna, my son has started responding to his name but speech is not removing. Sometimes he becomes hyperactive.Before taking Belladonna he used to speak much more. Can an overdosage of Belladonna affect the brain and cause any life long damage?
I had always heard that homeopathic medicines are safe and do not have any side effects.
Dalia123 5 years ago
They are generally safe. The medicines would cause side effects only in sensitive patients.

But in difficult conditions like autism/ADHD there may be a lot of bumps on the road with aggravations, provings/new symptoms, regression etc. It would be like a roller coster ride but one needs to take medicines in a suitable manner(gentle manner of administering medicine) and should be persistent.

Can the effect stay life long? The answer is NO generally but if it stays more than a year, then it's less likely it'll go off on it's own and needs some intervention.
maheeru 5 years ago
Thanks Dr.
Dalia123 5 years ago

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