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ABC Homeopathy Forum




Thuja Occidentalis:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Thuja Occ for cavity in wisdom tooth

I see that one of the indications for thuja is a cavity that develops at the gumline on the side of a tooth.
I happen to have had a cavity develop rather quickly (between dental visits - I have only ever had one other cavity in my life - very good teeth thankfully) on the cheek side of my lower left wisdom tooth.
As I read through thuja's other indications I am considering the fact that my skin keratinizes a little bit (not a lot and the dermatologist verified it as keratinization and not warts) and that my lower back when it begins to itch it itches uncontrollably - it is better if I don't even start itching it! There were a few other things the rang a bell.
My main concern is the remineralizing of this wisdom tooth, however, so that it does not need to be removed. Incidentally, I have already instituted a few dietary changes as well.
I happen to have thuja 30c already at home. I do not want to take too high a potency. Any experience with this particular issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
[Edited by mleibac on 2018-08-13 16:00:41]
  mleibac on 2018-08-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thuja, Merc, Phosphorus, Staphysagria have good influence over tooth. These are polychrest remedies and have a very wide range of action.
kadwa 6 years ago
kadwa, Are there any side effects from using any one of them? What potencies would be optimal for dental concerns. Does one stand out more for teeth than the other? Thank you for your time.
[Edited by mleibac on 2018-08-15 19:13:00]
mleibac 6 years ago
Homeopathic remedies are harmless. People have a tendency to attribute everything that happens after taking the remedy to the remedy.
If you have warts Thuja should work.
If you are not comfortable with conventional approach of life Merc should work.
If you are person that reach out to others Phos should do.
If you have pain while using tooth Staphysagria may help.

This is how the remedies are to be differentiated. There are no side effects.
kadwa 6 years ago
What potency would you suggest? Would 30C be OK? Or something else? Thank you.
mleibac 6 years ago
30C or 200C whichever is readily available. Both are equally good.
kadwa 6 years ago

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