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Shoulder & cervical, right hand pain

I had severe pain around cervical area and had been to a homeopathy doctor, who said it is due to vitamin d deficiency and gave me medicines. At first few days, the pain reduced and I was normal, but now I have uncontrollable on pain on both shoulders, cervical area, back ache, right hand near shoulder & armpit and other parts, generally upper portion from the waist.
I do not know if the pain is related to bone or mussel, but generally I feel good if massaged, which is temporary.
I would request some medicine to cover vitamin d deficiency and pain. - Uma
  ummacsgmail.com on 2018-08-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

It sounds like the homeopath gave you homeopathic medicines?
What were the meds , potency and dose instructions?

Sometimes when too many doses or too high potency it will bring symptoms back because one has taken too much.

Did he test you for vitamin d deficiency and send to a lab?

Did he give you vitamin d supplements to take ?

This pain can be caused by sleeping wrong,
By reading In bed, by constant neck bending
Looking at phone, by computer screen not at eye level
And very constant slight bending of the neck.

Do you have any of the above habits?
It takes awhile for those habits to manifest into
The pain.
simone717 6 years ago
Thanks for your reply. I give below the answers to your queries:

It sounds like the homeopath gave you homeopathic medicines?
He gave Homeopathic medicines.

What were the meds , potency and dose instructions?
He did not reveal the name or potency. Dosage – 3 times a day.

Sometimes when too many doses or too high potency it will bring symptoms back because one has taken too much.

Did he test you for vitamin d deficiency and send to a lab?
No. However, only now I have tested for vitamin d deficiency and thyroid on my own.. It is positive for both. The results are:

VALUE: 17.89 ng/ml (Deficiency : < 20 ng/ml, Insufficiency: 20-30 ng/ml, sufficiency: 30-100 ng/ml)


Did he give you vitamin d supplements to take ?
No supplements were given.

This pain can be caused by sleeping wrong, By reading In bed, by constant neck bending
Looking at phone, by computer screen not at eye level
And very constant slight bending of the neck.

Do you have any of the above habits?
No such habits. My computer usage now-a-days is a bare minimum. But I have cervical problem also.

Is it now possible for you to suggest a remedy?
ummacsgmail.com 6 years ago

In future, I suggest never take meds from a homeopath unless they will tell you what you are taking. Ask before you visit if they do this.

I hope you have stopped taking those meds?
Please indicate when you last took them?
Your case needs to start over.

Because of thyroid issue, you need an experienced person (dr)
And I am going to ask Mr4, who is a homeopath if he can take over this thread.
simone717 6 years ago
Please wait for mister4(DrKR)he advised he will
Treat you.
simone717 6 years ago
Please answer,


• Living place

• Occupation

• Describe your whole present complaints in decreasing order, Complaint for which you are more anxious about mention first

• Major past medical/surgical history

• Major medical history in paternal or
maternal family

• Hows your thirst

• Which drink you crave more

• Which type of drink you like more hot or

• Do u drink often but large quantity of
water at a time or small quantity more

• Hows your appetite

• Which food you crave more

• Which Food u Dislike

• Which Food/drink Causes discomfort

• Reaction towards fasting

• Need stimulants like tea coffee alcohol etc ?

• Flatulance or eructation

• Do u feel comfort after eructation

• Hows your sleep

• More frequent dreams

• Do you feel fresh after sleep

• Time when you feel more sleepy

• Sweating

• If excessive then which part?

• Feel uncomfortable or relieved after

• Stool

• Urination

• Reaction towards

• noise, crowd, odour, food odour, sun
heat, darkness, alone, on going some new
place, meeting new people

• Fears

• Reaction when you get angry

• Do like to be consoled

• Thing which you love most

• Which you hate most

• How do you look at your future

• How are your family relationships

• Things which bother you

• How many friends do you have

• How your friends describe you

• Which thing makes you different from

• Memory

• What is your dominant mood

• What you like to do in your free time
Mister4 6 years ago
Dear simone717/ Mister4,
Thanks a lot for your replies. The homeopaths in our area are self-centered and do not reveal the name of the medicine/ potency at all to the patient. They keep it to themselves so that the patient returns to him always.

I have answered all the questions here below. Please also take into account the results of the lab reports mentioned earlier.

I want to mention here that I rarely go to a doctor and I hate taking medicines. For example, if an allopath gives medicines for three days, three times a day, I take selective medicine for may be for 1 day, 2 times. However, I am careful about antibiotics. Compulsory situations are exceptions. In case of Homeopathy medicines, I am bit generous.

As I have only small quantity of medicine from my homeopath is left out, I can throw it away and start afresh as per your prescription.

My answers to the questionnaire:

Age 55 Years

• Living place Faridabad, India

• Occupation Homemaker

• Describe your whole present complaints in decreasing order, Complaint for which you are more anxious about mention first

I have severe pain around cervical area, uncontrollable pain on both shoulders, back ache in the middle of spinal area, pain both the hands, more in the right forearm/ hand near shoulder & armpit and other parts, generally upper portion from the waist. Bulging nerves, on massaging the pain reduced and have soothing effect, which is temporary.

Heaviness, dizziness, Giddiness in my head.

On and off stomach upset and nausea at times.
poor appetite.

• Major past medical/surgical history
Two caesarians, surgery to remove gallbladder few years back. I also underwent kidney store removal procedure (laser lithotripsy?)

• Major medical history in paternal or
maternal family Father died of lung infection due smoking.

• Hows your thirst - Very bad, now bit improved.

• Which drink you crave more – Milk & milk products

• Which type of drink you like more hot or cold: 50-50

• Do u drink often but large quantity of
water at a time or small quantity more
frequently Small qty, not frequently

• Hows your appetite Very poor

• Which food you crave more Chat-pata (meaning In Hindi- chat-pat is the term for food that excites all the taste buds. ... Food is a key cultural ingredient. The food(s) we eat define us culturally. Each Indian spice (masala) has its place in our food culture, as well as medicinal value)

• Which Food u Dislike Without masala (spice)

• Which Food/drink Causes discomfort I mostly like milk with malai (cream), but it gives most disconfort.

• Reaction towards fasting I cannot fast

• Need stimulants like tea coffee alcohol etc ? I never tasted tea/coffee/alcohol in my life time. I can take cold hot beverages, if required.

• Flatulance or eructation

• Do u feel comfort after eructation Yes.

• Hows your sleep I don't sleep much – very poor

• More frequent dreams No dreams

• Do you feel fresh after sleep I get up early morning (4 a.m.) fresh & brisk

• Time when you feel more sleepy Normally I feel sleepy and go to bed after dinner. Now a days, I am always sleepy.

• Sweating - Earlier I never Sweat, but for last few month, I sweat a lot.

• If excessive then which part? Head

• Feel uncomfortable or relieved after
perspiration? No

• Stool Yes

• Urination Yes

• Reaction towards

• noise, crowd, odour, food odour, sun
heat, darkness, alone, on going some new
place, meeting new people Only uncomfortable 1) with odour, 2) food odour (after food odour – particularly after cooking food for the family, I never want to eat), 3) alone

• Fears - I always feared about major disease / major problem to me, but pulled on years like this.

• Reaction when you get angry - Throw things whatever in my hand

• Do like to be consoled with difficulty

• Thing which you love most social with people around me.

• Which you hate most people who don't love me, to be alone

• How do you look at your future very nice

• How are your family relationships Very nice

• Things which bother you If someone fight with me unnecessary, finding fault with me

• How many friends do you have Mostly I am friendly with all people around me.

• How your friends describe you Good

• Which thing makes you different from

• Memory Excellent memory

• What is your dominant mood Joyful but sceptic

• What you like to do in your free time Socializing with people, eating in selected
ummacsgmail.com 6 years ago
Two more things I forgot to mention -
(1) Of late heavy hair fall. (2) I have lost some weight
ummacsgmail.com 6 years ago
Is there any discomfort with skimmed milk

Can you digest fatty food

Do you cry easily

Do you feel better after weeping

Can you stay in a closed room

Or you feel better always in open air

Do you like to eat hot food

Which weather you like most
Mister4 6 years ago
Is there any discomfort with skimmed milk – I have not tried.

Can you digest fatty food - I am fond of eating the thick cream of the boiled milk from childhood, but I noticed it is giving me a lot of problems like bulging of nerves on my chest, related pain, etc. With massaging the bulging, the pain is relieved. The bulging is directly related to my taking the milk cream, because when there is extreme pain, I give 2/3 days’ break to this eating habit against my wish and get relieved of the symptom/pain. I think I have digestion problem as well.

Do you cry easily - Never, but I get upset easily.

Do you feel better after weeping - I cried very rarely

Can you stay in a closed room - No, I cann’t, as don’t like it. But it is not due to any fear.

Or you feel better always in open air - Yes, I feel better in fresh air.

Do you like to eat hot food - I prefer hot food, cold food no problem.

Which weather you like most - Moderate weather
I do not like to sleep during daytime, though I feel sleepy now-a-days. My night sleep is disturbed.
ummacsgmail.com 6 years ago

Apis 30c three times a day for 3 days only
(1 dose is 2 drops on tongue or 4 globules)

Kali mur 12X 3 times a day for 1 week
(1 dose is 4 tablets)

Reply after 5 days

Avoid camphor, coffee, garlic, mint, perfumes..
Do not take any other homoeopathic medicine along with this.
Please do not take anything 20 min before and after the medicine.
Mister4 6 years ago
Okay, thanks.
ummacsgmail.com 6 years ago
I started taking medicines from 24th Aug and I had excellent sleep on 24th night. The pain REDUCED by 50% that day & next day. I though it is going to continue that way. However, on 25th (yesterday) night onward, I had excruciating pain and I could not sleep at all and the pain continues till now. Now my question is in such situations what should I do? Can I take a pill of pain killer of allopathy? I know it is very short a period for the homeopathy medicine to respond. That is the reason I ask in case of emergency what should I do. Yesterday, unusually I took some sweets. Is there any connection to the increasing pain?

Meanwhile, my gallbladder has been operated and removed 5 years back, and I am fond of chat-pat and sweets, which I forgot to mention earlier.
ummacsgmail.com 6 years ago
This is also to state that I am continuing with the medicines and will advise you further status on completion of 5-6 days.
ummacsgmail.com 6 years ago
Are you taking apis or not
And kali mur ??
Mister4 6 years ago
Of course I continue to take the both the medicines. My only question is in case of more pain what should I do? Can I take one more extra dose? Or Can I take one pain killer of Allopathy? Thanks
ummacsgmail.com 6 years ago
I have prescribed apis only for 3 days
Continue it for one week more

And yes you can take pain killer, apis only three times a day

Give feedback after every 3 days
[Edited by Mister4 on 2018-08-26 12:56:10]
Mister4 6 years ago
Hi Mister4,
This is on feedback of my problem.
The situation now is that there is NO PAIN over right side for the last two days and I had nice sleep. Initially after taking the medicines the pain intensified as stated in my earlier mails, then the pain concentrated on my right leg so that I had difficulty and pain when I wake up. Now, all these are the past and thanks for your wonderful treatment.


- some uneasiness in the body
- heaviness in the head
- heavy hair falling
- weakness (I have reduced about 4 kgs in the last one year)
- No improvement on eating (Main Reason - I cannot eat after self-cooking, as explained earlier)
- Generally bearable pain over body.

- I am continuing with 'Apis' as advised by you for a week and will stop after three days. I will continue take the other med till you advise.
- Does the med prescribed by you take care of the thyroid symptoms as per the Lab report earlier mentioned?
- As per the Lab report, I also have vitamin d deficiency. Can I additionally take vitamin d tabs for this or any supplement is available in Homeopathy?
- Any other medicine to cover above remaining symptoms?

Await your response. Thanks & regards,
ummacsgmail.com 6 years ago
That's very good..wait for next
Mister4 6 years ago
Give me a reply after completion of one week of apis..
till then arrange calcarea phos 6X
[Edited by Mister4 on 2018-08-31 13:50:37]
Mister4 6 years ago
What potency for cal phos?
simone717 6 years ago
Thanx simone717
Mister4 6 years ago
Please consider visiting a chiropractor and or getting some kind of x-ray or MRI if possible. Your condition sounds a little bit like mine but where’s and I was recently diagnosed with my vertebrae degrading and a bulging crushed disc in my neck. The cervical nerves affect the shoulder in the back and can go down the arms leaving someone with permanent nerve damage if the structural issues are not also addressed. I love to read the homeopathic remedies to manage the pain and assist the healing process, but you may also need neck traction or some other physical structural work. Best of luck to you and thanks to The homeopathic doctors who are responding!
OmieBonVivant 6 years ago
Welcome dr K/mr4
I am following for learning.
simone717 6 years ago
Okay, thanks. Advanced inf helps me in arranging med which takes a couple days Thans once agn. i continue with apis n other till yr further advice rgds uma
ummacsgmail.com 6 years ago
Status for the last three days, pain symptoms only:
For the first two days, I had headache day and night with little sleep. However, yesterday, no headache, but pain in the right upper arm in the night. Sleep okay. Since this morning no pain in right hand.
Please advise me the further course of medicines to take. With regards, uma
ummacsgmail.com 6 years ago

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